Saturday, April 28, 2018

April 29

1975 - Operation Frequent Wind:  Vietnam War.
We've all seen pictures and video of American helicopters evacuating its embassy personnel and 'at risk' Vietnamese from the rooftops at the end of the Vietnam War...This was Operation Frequent Wind.

It was the final act of U.S. involvement in the war...It was also a final American humiliation.

Humiliating for non-Liberal Americans, that is...For Liberals, it was a day to rejoice over America's humiliation.

1863 - The Battle of Chancellorsville began:  U.S. Civil War.

Chancellorsville was General Lee's masterpiece - it was also another Union debacle - but proved to be a battle the Confederates couldn't afford to win...The Union had over 17,000 casualties compared to the Confederates 13,000, but the Union also had over 133,000 troops at the battle compared to 66,000 Confederate troops.

The fact the Confederates continued to win battles but couldn't get a decisive, strategic victory doomed them to defeat...If nothing else, they were going to run out of troops and materiel faster than the Union.

And then there was the matter of a 'Stone wall' going down in this battle.

1918 - Germany's last large offensive on the Western Front ended:  World War I.

The war ended in half a year, but the killing machine churned out plenty of death in this six month period.

1945 - American troops liberated 32,000 prisoners from the Dachau Concentration Camp:  WWII.

32,000 were saved, but at least that many were killed...Thankfully American troops were the ‘liberators’ instead of the Soviets, which would have simply given the prisoners a new master.

1945 - The German Army-in-Italy unconditionally surrendered to the Allies:  WWII.

The entire German house-of-cards was crumbling, and the '12 Year Reich' was on its last leg.

1992 - Rioting claimed 54 lives and caused $1 billion in damage erupted in Los Angeles after a jury in Simi Valley acquitted four Los Angeles police officers of almost all state charges in the videotaped beating of Rodney King.

Rodney got what he deserved for resisting arrest, and these fools destroyed their own city...Bunch of jackasses.

1997 - The Chemical Weapons Convention became international law:  A worldwide treaty to ban chemical weapons.

What a joke!! I bet it’s safe to estimate at least 50 countries are currently breaking this ban...Including the U.S.

2004 - Sixty Minutes II divulged American soldiers, male and female, abused Iraqi prisoners at the Abu Ghraib prison.

The Horror!!!

The media made a fiasco out of nothing, and in the process took joy in humiliating the U.S. military...What else is new?!?!

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