Saturday, May 19, 2018

May 20

1997 - The U.S. Senate approved legislation to ban certain late-term abortions, but fell three votes shy of the total needed to override President Bill Clinton's threatened veto.

Remember I am not an anti-abortionist absolutist - and as a non-religious person, I certainly can't be called a 'religious nutter.'

Lets revisit the late-term abortion procedure:  Partial Birth Abortion

1. Guided by ultrasound, the abortionist grabs the BABY’S leg with a forceps.
2. The BABY’S legs are pulled out into the birth canal.
3. The abortionist delivers the BABY’S entire body - except for the head.
4. The abortionist jams scissors into the BABY’S skull. The scissors are then opened to enlarge the hole.
5. The scissors are removed and a suction tube is inserted. The BABY'S brain is sucked out causing the skull to collapse.
6. The dead BABY is then removed and discarded.

If a person kicks their dog they can go to jail (rightly), but this act of cruelty is somehow legal???

Congratulations on your political victory Bill Clinton - truly one for the ages...The Prenatal Holocaust is in the good hands of modern-day liberals.

Dr. Mengele and his Nazi quacks would be proud...As should anyone who votes for Democrats - proud of the fantastically creepy people they support.

1862 - The Homestead Act was passed by Congress, giving 160 acres of land in the West free to homesteaders if they agreed to stay and improve it for five years.

This act was a major boom for the West, but was enacted at an odd time: During the Civil War.

In order to qualify a person had to be a current citizen and never have taken up arms against the country, which disqualified the entire South - white and black...Plus, movement from East to West was extremely difficult because much of it was a war-zone.

2000 - The five nuclear powers on the U.N. Security Council agreed to eventually eliminate their nuclear arsenals, as part of a new disarmament agenda approved by 187 countries.

This is one of the biggest jokes of all time. None of the existing nuclear nations will disarm (unless some future Democrat president unilaterally disarms the U.S., that is), and another dozen will eventually do whatever they can to join the club.

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