Thursday, June 28, 2018

June 29

1850 - Henry Clay introduced a compromise bill in the U.S. Senate on slavery, which included the admission of California into the Union as a free state.

The Compromise of 1850 did much more than bring California in as a free state, it was also the straw that broke the Whig Party’s back.

The Whigs were split over this bill into two camps: 'Cotton Whigs' and 'Conscience Whigs'...The Cotton Whigs were against bringing on new states as 'free states.'

The bill permanently fractured the Whig Party, and signaled the beginning of the Republican Party (which took in the Conscience Whigs), and the Cotton Whigs joined forces with the Democrat Party...Just another of many points every black American should know about the sordid history of the Democrat Party.

64 (Traditional date) - Saint Peter was executed in the Gardens of Nero at the foot of Vatican Hill. He was supposedly crucified head downward at his own request.

67 (Traditional date) - Saint Paul, one of the greatest preachers, writers, and organizers of the early Christian Church was executed on the Via Ostia, three miles from Rome.

What a historical irony the Church’s two greatest leaders (after Christ himself) were both executed in/near Rome, and within 400-years their names were synonymous with the Church which took its residence in and became great in Rome.

904 - Sergius III was crowned pope, beginning the 'Pornocracy.'

By definition, a pornocracy is a government dominated by prostitutes.

The Papal Pornocracy, also known as the 'Rule of the Harlots,' wasn’t really a period of Papal authority by prostitutes, but one where the Popes (from Sergius to John XII in 963) were under the influence of corrupt women.

1767 - Britain passed the Townshend Acts, levying duties on glass, lead, tea, paint and paper sent to America.

Just another in a long list of taxes placed on the Colonists...They weren't willing to pay them for much longer.

1896 - Physician Emile Grubbe became the first to use radiation treatment for breast cancer.

Cancer is a true scourge of humanity, and anything done to treat it deserves notice on this blog.

1940 - The U.S. passed the Alien Registration Act.

The Alien Registration Act made it a criminal offense for anyone to "knowingly or willfully advocate, abet, advise, or teach the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing the Government of the United States or of any State by force or violence, or for anyone to organize any association which teaches, advises, or encourages such an overthrow, or for anyone to become a member of or to affiliate with any such association."...It also required all non-citizen adult residents to register with the government. Within four months 4,741,971 aliens had registered under the Acts provisions.

In 1957 the U.S. Supreme Court overturned many convictions based on this law, but the law is still in effect...I don't see how any part of the bill is unconstitutional, and we should all pray for a return to sanity and a reestablishment of the prosecution of those breaking this law.

1964 - The TV remote control was invented.


1972 - Furman v. Georgia:  The U.S. Supreme Court ruled the death penalty, as invoked by the states at that time, is unconstitutional.

How pathetic for those who commit the worst of crimes to be treated better than those they commit them against.

"When Criminals are not given Justice, the Just will be given Criminals." - Dennis Prager.

1977 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled the death penalty for rapists of adults was unconstitutional.

There are two ways to read this:

1. How ridiculous to claim rape of any kind is any less a crime than murder. ALL RAPISTS SHOULD BE EXECUTED!

2. At the very least, it vaguely says those who rape non-adults (children) should be executed...Unfortunately, the Supremes screwed this up in June 2008.

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