Friday, July 20, 2018

July 21

1861 – The First Battle of Bull Run:  American Civil War.

This was the first major military battle of the war, and is called the Battle of Manassas in the South.

Bull Run was one of the few battles where the Confederates had relatively equal troop numbers, and was a very one-sided battle - for the South.

Neither commanding general performed well (McDowell or Johnston), and neither side gained anything with this battle...The importance of Bull Run is it showed the war would be costly in money, material, years, suffering, and life.

FYI: Bull Run is also where General Thomas Jackson picked up the nickname of 'Stonewall': "Look! There is Jackson standing like a stone wall! Rally behind the Virginians!" – Confederate General Barnard Bee.

70 - Romans secured Jerusalem after four months of battle and great slaughter.

The Jews put up a good fight, but there is no way they could have held back the awesome Roman machine...Unfortunately, this began a new Diaspora, which lasted almost 1,900 years.

1306 - Philip 'the Fair's' secret commission resulted in the arrest and confiscation of all the goods and money of every Jew in France.

No wonder the French did nothing when the Nazi’s took on the 'Jewish Problem'...They have their own sordid history against the Jews.

1542 - In a strengthening of the fight against Protestantism, Pope Paul III set up the Inquisition.

The various Inquisitions did little if anything in Protestant lands, but were a great tool for Catholic countries to keep check and control of their people...Never forget: Everything is politics - especially organized religion.

1798 – The Battle of the Pyramids.

Napoleon defeated the Egyptian Mamelukes on his path to becoming the new Pharaoh...In his own mind anyway.

In the end Napoleon must have wished he never went to Egypt, because there was no way he could control the Egyptian populace, and the Brits were constantly on his heals in the Mediterranean destroying his supply routes...But at least the French found the Rosetta Stone - the key to unlocking ancient Egyptian writing, on this little foray.

1904 - The 4,607-mile Trans-Siberian railway was completed.

This is an awesome railway connecting European Russia with the Russian Far East. Primarily, Moscow to Vladivostok.

1925 - The so-called 'Monkey Trial' ended in Dayton, Tennessee, with John T. Scopes convicted of violating state law for teaching Darwin's Theory of Evolution.

In less than 100-years the U.S. went from disallowing teaching evolution, to disallowing teaching creation...How did this country get turned upside down??? LIBERALISM!!!

1954 - France surrendered North Vietnam to the Communists.

How pathetic...Even more pathetic, the U.S. did likewise 20-years later.

1994 - After a two-month trek across Russia following his return from 20-years of exile, Alexander Solzhenitsyn arrived back in Moscow.

The importance of Solzhenitsyn cannot be minimized, and he must be recognized as one of the most important 'freedom fighters' of the second half of the 20th Century...Right along with Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher and Pope John Paul II.

2005 - Explosions struck three London Underground stations and a bus at midday in a chilling but less deadly replay of the suicide bombings that killed 56 people two weeks prior to this date. One person was seriously wounded.

Europe hasn't had it's 9/11/01, yet, but this was another warning Islamist nutters are trying.

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