Thursday, September 27, 2018

September 28

1066 - William, Duke of Normandy, landed at Pevensey, Sussex, and began the Norman conquest of England.

The English were about to get a rude awakening...That said, English history was about to change its path from one of being average to one of being great.

Amazingly, William’s was the last successful invasion of the British Isles. Also, in order to understand the history of Western Europe, you must understand the importance of the 'Norman Invasion.'

The Duchy of Normandy was the most powerful of all the semi-independent French lands in the 11th-12th Centuries. In 1066, William invaded and invested England, but didn’t give up his French holdings in Normandy...Which led to many future problems concerning French and English dynastic successions, because the French couldn’t accept an English monarch ruling any part of France. Nor could either country have the other making claims on its throne.

As a result, the battle over this territory was waged for centuries, and the enmity between the two lasted well into the 19th Century.

48 B.C. - After landing in Egypt, Pompey was murdered on the orders of Ptolemy.

The Egyptians knew they had to kill Pompey. Either that or be overrun and killed themselves by Julius Caesar.

FYI: I hope you know Egypt was ruled by Greeks/Macedonians (Ptolemaic Dynasty) at this time...Please understand the Ancient Egyptians disappeared a long time before this and the modern Arab Muslims were in the future.

1106 - The Battle of Tinchebrai: King Henry of England defeated his brother Robert, reuniting England and Normandy.

See 1066...This was a continuation of the Anglo-Franco-Norman problem created by William the Conqueror.

1781 - The Siege of Yorktown Heights began: American Revolutionary War.

9,000 American troops and a French fleet of 7,000 forces attacked the British in what was the final battle of the Revolutionary War...The War of Independence was almost over, but the battle of founding a new nation was only beginning.

1920 - In baseball's biggest scandal, a grand jury indicted eight players of the Chicago White Sox for throwing the 1919 World Series with the Cincinnati Reds.

"Say it ain't so, Joe! Say it ain't so."

1996 - Asteroid 1991 CS passed closer than five million miles from Earth.

Make no mistake, Earth's days are numbered...The number may be in the billions of years, or maybe in minutes, but there will definitely be an eventual end.

1997 - Swiss voters overwhelmingly endorsed their government's liberal drug policies, including the controversial state distribution of heroin to hardened addicts.

By this same logic, they should hand out guns and knifes to 'hardened' criminals...Bunch of degenerate Euros.

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