Wednesday, November 14, 2018

November 15

1777 - The Continental Congress approved the Articles of Confederation, a precursor to the Constitution of the United States:  American Revolutionary War.

I hope you know the Constitution wasn't the first form of government in the United States. If you've been following along, you should know this...But I know the 'unknowledge' taught in public school is difficult to break through.

I recommend you read about the Articles of Confederation...It was a system destined to failure, but guided the young nation through it's first years of independence.

1533 - Spaniards entered the Inca holy city of Cuzco

Atahualpa disregarded the 'First Rule of Invasions' by letting the Spanish live a day past the beaches...Then he multiplied the mistake by inviting them into his realm.

The cost of these mistakes proved tragic to the chief, and the Incas in general...Such is history.

1864 - Union General William Tecumseh Sherman began his 'March from Atlanta to the Sea':  U.S. Civil War.

Sherman wasn't a butcher, but he did burn much of Atlanta to the ground...Which you might think of as barbaric.

But, it was men like Grant, Sherman and Lincoln who understood the only way to end the brutality of the Civil War was to force the South to submit...This is the case in every war!!! Which is why fighting politically correct wars is a recipe for disaster.

1939 - The Social Security Administration approved the first unemployment check.

What's the best way to keep people from working? Give them benefits for not working...What's the best way to stagnate a nation's economy? Increase unemployment.

I'm no rocket-scientist, but it only takes a little calculus to put the two ideas together to notice unemployment benefits keep people from working, which hurts the economy.

I'm sure this wasn't FDR's goal, but I do wonder about the goals of those who insist on perpetuating this failed system.

1996 - Former State Department official Alger Hiss, who fell from grace in a communist spy scandal, died.

GOOD!! He should have been executed in the 1940's-50's - a penalty all traitorous scumbags should receive.

There's no way he should been allowed to lived to see his 92nd birthday.

1999 - The Clinton administration claimed victory in a seven-year struggle to persuade Congress to pay nearly $1 billion in back dues to the United Nations.

Check out Clinton claiming 'victory' for giving away the American taxpayer's hard earned money to the U.N...Makes me sick.

We owe the U.N. nothing!! If anything, continuing to prop up this rogue group does nothing but put the U.S. at risk.

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