Sunday, July 29, 2018

July 30

1419 - Anti-Catholic Hussites, followers of executed reformer Jan Hus, stormed the town hall in Prague and threw Catholic counselors out of the windows - beginning the Hussite Wars.

Huss was killed on July 6, 1419 and it didn't take long for word to spread.

The Church should have seen the Reformation coming at this time, but instead continued on its merry way of bastardizing the faith through the dishonorable policies of the official Roman Catholic Church.

That said, had the Church been wise it would have treated Martin Luther as it did Huss 98-years earlier, but Luther had luck and the German princes on his side.

1619 - The first representative assembly in America convened in Jamestown, Virginia: the House of Burgesses.

This is one of the great-grandfathers of the U.S. Congress...One of the brilliant steps made by the Colonists on their way to creating this great nation.

1863 - President Lincoln gave an order to shoot a rebel prisoner for every black prisoner shot. The order became known as the 'eye-for-eye' order:  U.S. Civil War.

This should be the standard order for any American prisoner executed - then or now...Black, white or otherwise.

And as an added incentive for our enemies to treat our prisoners like human beings, we should let it be known we will kill enemy prisoners on a one-to-one ratio, starting with the highest ranking prisoner we have, working our way down...I guarantee this would have a powerful effect. Much more than the useless Geneva Accords, which no one except the U.S. follows.

1864 - Union forces tried to take Petersburg, Virginia, by exploding a mine under Confederate defense lines:  U.S. Civil War.

What a fiasco...Many Union troops were caught in the mine when the explosion went off. Obviously they didn't make it out.

1945 - The USS 'Indianapolis,' which had just delivered key components of the Hiroshima atomic bomb to the Pacific island of Tinian, was torpedoed by a Japanese submarine. Only 316 out of 1,196 men survived the sinking and shark-infested waters:  WWII.

The U.S. was the superior force in the war, but also had many incidences of LUCK...This was one.

Had this ship been sunk on the way to delivering its cargo there wouldn't have been two A-Bombs on Japan. Instead the second bomb would have been the first, which didn't get the Japanese to surrender...And the war may have went on, forcing the U.S. to invade Japan, which would have been much worse than the combined effects of the A-Bombs. Particularly for the Japanese.

Plus, the Japanese had a little surprise in store for the U.S. had the war continued...MAKE SURE YOU RETURN ON SEPTEMBER 22!!!

1956 - The phrase, "In God We Trust," was adopted as the U.S. National Motto.

OH MY GOD!!! I can't believe the government committed such a heinous violation of the 'separation of church and state'...NOT!!!

It's a good thing they did it in 1956, because the howling jackals with (D)'s behind their names would never allow it to happen today.

1965 - President Lyndon Johnson signed into law the Medicare bill, which went into effect the following year.

Mark my words: Eventually Medicare coupled with ObamaCare will bankrupt our economy.

I'm not the first to say it, and I won't be the last...But I will be correct.

1975 - Former Teamsters Union president Jimmy Hoffa disappeared in suburban Detroit; although presumed dead, his remains have never been found.

Good riddance to a POS thug.

1991 - A special U.N. commission to Iraq announced it found 46,000 chemical shells and warheads and 3,000 tons of raw materials for weapons.

They had them in 1991, and they are still around...They just haven't been found - in Iraq or elsewhere.

Remember, we found a flight-line of Iraqi airplanes buried underground...If we keep looking we'll find the WMD as well. Even though we may have to eventually look in other countries to find it.

2005 - Rep. William Jefferson (D), received $100,000 at the Ritz-Carlton in Arlington, Virginia, to use for bribing Abubakar Atiku, vice-president of Nigeria. Vernon Jackson, a Kentucky businessman, later admitted to paying over $400,000 in bribes to secure deals for his telecommunications company in Nigeria and other African countries.

The Democrats forced Jefferson to retire from the House, right? Hahaha! Who are you kidding? Only Republicans have to pay for being stupid and/or corrupt.

2012 - A power failure in India left over 300 million people without electricity.

There are power outages every day in the U.S...Imagine a power outage affecting 300 million Americans.  There would be chaos, looting, rioting and killing all over the place.

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