Friday, August 10, 2018

August 11

1941 - President Franklin Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill signed the Atlantic Charter, setting forth eight world goals for the world after the war ended:  WWII.

The 'eight world goals' for the post-WWII world order:

1. No territorial gains sought by the United States or the United Kingdom.
2. Territorial adjustments must conform to the people involved.
3. The right to self determination of peoples.
4. Trade barriers lowered.
5. There must be disarmament.
6. There must be freedom from want and fear.
7. There must be freedom of the seas.
8. There must be an association of nations.

#’s 1, 4, 7, and 8 all came to fruition - as a result of U.S. domination in these areas...But #’s 2, 3, and 6 were obliterated by the reality of the Soviet Union, who weren’t invited to this ‘goal setting’ party.

#5 was a complete joke.

1492 - Alexander VI was elected Pope.

This is one of the most important popes in history...But notice I didn’t say 'good'.

Alexander closely allied the Church to the Spanish throne, began the mass censorship of books, excommunicated many pre-Reformation antagonists, and set the parameters for the Treaty of Tordesilla, which demarcated the areas of exploration in the New World between Spain and Portugal - at least on paper.

1942 - Vichy government official Pierre Laval publicly declared "the hour of liberation for France is the hour when Germany wins the war":  WWII.

Make no mistake, many Frenchmen would rather be German slaves than saved by the English and Americans...Vive la France! Bunch of pathetic surrender monkeys.

1954 - A formal peace took hold in Indochina, ending more than seven years of fighting between the French and Communist Viet Minh.

'A formal peace'? In other words, the French got their asses handed to them and decided to quit Indochina...Always beware of how words are phrased. The headline was ‘true,’ but it didn’t tell ‘the truth.’

1964 - The U.S. Congress approved the 'War on Poverty' bill (Economic Opportunity Act).

A classic example of ‘throwing good money after bad'.

The government has placed those in poverty in a perpetual state of helplessness, and made them dependent on the government...This is bad for the human spirit, and bad for America as a whole - but it is good for the politicians dependent on the votes of those on welfare.

In other words: The Democrats have kept the poor in a system of 'Political Indentured Servitude,' and it has been great for the Democrats, but horrible for those they are preying on.

1965 - The Watts Riots erupted in Los Angeles when a white police officer arrested a black man for drunk driving. After six days of rioting, four people were dead, over 1,000 hurt, nearly 4,000 arrested, and property damage was estimated at about $40,000,000.

This worked out well for the Watts community...I’ll never understand why rioters kill and destroy their own.

1975 - The United States vetoed the proposed admission of North and South Vietnam to the United Nations, following the Security Council's refusal to consider South Korea's application.

We didn't have to worry about this problem for long...North Vietnam soon swallowed up the South, and there was only Vietnam.

1984 - President Reagan sparked controversy when he joked during a voice test for a paid political radio address saying he had "signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes."

Ooops! Reagan probably would have been better off not saying this...But, it is one of the million reasons I love him.

1995 - President Bill Clinton banned all U.S. nuclear tests, calling his decision ''the right step as we continue pulling back from the nuclear precipice.''

What a great idea. I’m sure our enemies will follow suit. Riiiiiiiiiiight???

2000 - President Bill Clinton signed Executive Order 13166, commonly known as the 'Limited English Proficiency' (LEP) Act. EO 13166 requires federal agencies and any other entities which receive federal funds via grants, contracts or sub-contracts to make their activities accessible to non-English speaking persons.

Clinton was the king of pushing 'bad laws' through the Executive Order instead of the legitimate way of leaving it to the representatives of the people - until Obama came around, that is...Ah, who needs Congress when we have a degenerate Chief Executive to make laws instead?

Plus, I’m sure all of you don’t mind paying for the thousands of forms being printed at taxpayer expense in the modern day Tower of Babel we seem intent on building.

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