Thursday, August 02, 2018

August 3 (A Double)

1492 - Christopher Columbus set sail from Spain with a convoy of three small ships, the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria, accompanied by fewer than 100 crewmen, beginning a search for a water passage to India and Cathay (China and northeast Asia).

Columbus set sail, but got nowhere near India or Cathay...He caught a much bigger fish - though he didn't know it.

On October 12, he landed at San Salvador Island in the Bahamas, not India, though he thought this was where he landed...I hope you know this is why we call the New World's indigenous people Indians.
1914 - Germany declared war on France, and Britain warned the Germans not to invade Belgium: WWI.

By the end of the day, Germany invaded Belgium and Luxembourg...It was the best way to get to France.

World War I was on, and all of the European big dogs were jumping in the fray.

30 B.C. - Mark Antony committed suicide in Alexandria, Egypt, where he was pursued by Octavian after the Battle of Actium.

Antony was lucky to go on his own terms, because Octavian wouldn’t have been very pleasant to deal with.

After Actium there was little doubt Octavian (later Augustus) would become the new ruler of Rome, but Antony’s death sealed the deal and set Rome on a new path - One of empire.

987 - The Count of Paris, Hugh Capet, became king of France, founding the Capetian Dynasty.

The Capetians ruled France from 987-1328, and during this time distanced itself from their Frank-Germanic ties, becoming the French nation we know today...For better or worse.

1942 - Paris police helped German occupation troops round up almost 13,000 Jewish men, women, and children, cramming them into an indoor cycling stadium, interning them in suburban Drancy, and then deporting them to death camps:  WWII.

I can’t be the only one surprised the French took part in the Nazi ‘fun’...After the way they rolled over for the Krauts, the French proved they’d do anything to avoid a fight.

1944 - Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp gassed 4,000 gypsies:  WWII.

The Jews were the primary target of the Nazis, but the, Slavs and Gypsies (Roma) were right behind them...As would have been every non-German people if the 1,000 Year Reich had lasted longer than 12-years.

1948 - Whittaker Chambers, a former Communist, publicly accused former State Department official Alger Hiss of having been part of a Communist underground, a charge Hiss denied.


I hope you have read the
Venona Papers.

It’s amazing how correct McCarthy (and JFK) were when it came to concerns of Communists in the U.S. Government.

1992 - The U.S. Senate voted to sharply restrict, and eventually end, U.S. testing of nuclear weapons.

What a bunch of fools...Oh well, I guess we’ll have to see how they work in 'real time' if we ever need to launch them on our enemies.

1993 - The U.S. Senate voted 96-3 to confirm Supreme Court nominee Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Ginsburg is one of the most Liberal justice in the history of the Supreme Court, but the Republicans were decent enough to respect tradition, and allow the President to nominate the person of his choice...Even though she is much more Liberal than any of GW Bush or Trump's choices are Conservative.

Not surprisingly, Democrats refuse to accept this tradition and sense of decency.

HOW LIBERAL IS R.B.G? She was the ACLU's General Counsel from 1973-1980, and on the ACLU National Board of Directors from 1974-1980...That’s as Liberal as they come.

Thankfully the Republicans refuse to confirm Obama's last SCOTUS nominee, and forced Justice Gorsuch down the Left's throats...Let's pray Trump gets more choices and picks similar ones to Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.

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