Sunday, August 26, 2018

August 27

1939 - The world's first jet-propelled aeroplane, the Heinkel He-178, made its first flight at Marienehe, Germany.

Commercial and military planes soon abandoned the old prop-style plane to take advantage of the speed and power of the jet...Thankfully Hitler was too much of a moron to listen to his science advisers, and refused to invest much in the production of these jets (until it was far too late), which might have allowed him to be able to use Germany's technical superiority to overcome the numerical plane disadvantage he had against the Allies.

413 B.C. - An Athenian army besieging Syracuse failed to retreat because of an eclipse, and was later trapped and destroyed.

The Athenians thought the world was coming to an end...Or at worst thought their gods were surrendering to those of their enemy.

This seems odd to us, but perfectly reasonable to the people of the time.

1859 - Colonel Edwin L. Drake drilled the first successful oil well in the United States near Titusville, Pennsylvania.

Who knows how much oil we have in the U.S. and it's territories? It’s very likely we are sitting on enough to make ourselves self-sufficient for this necessary resource...But we choose not drill in earnest here in the States, and would rather be at the mercy of the very scoundrels who wish to see us dead.

I’ll never understand the insanity of environMENTAList Liberals.

1928 - The Kellogg-Briand Pact was signed by 15 nations, outlawing war as a means to settle international disputes.

What a joke!!!

History has shown this 'pact' did nothing but weaken the very powers who were necessary to stand up to the bad-guys of the world...Which in a decade were the Nazis and Japanese - and Italy, sort of.

1939 - Adolf Hitler served notice to England and France that Germany wanted Danzig and the Polish Corridor.

The appeasers in France and England thought they bought 'peace in their time' with the handover of Czechoslovakia, but the Fuhrer wanted nothing to do with peace...He pushed and pushed until he had his war.

And make no mistake, Hitler picked this date as a way of mocking the Kellog-Briand Pact.

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