Sunday, August 19, 2018

August 20

1940 - British Prime Minister Winston Churchill paid tribute to the Royal Air Force, saying, "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.":  WWII.

At the beginning of the battle the Brits had around 700 fighter planes...The Krauts had 1,260 bombers; 316 dive-bombers; 1,089 fighters.

How the Brits survived the initial wave of attack under such horrible odds, is amazing...But they did. Which forced Hitler to change his plans.

As a result of losing the Battle of Britain, Hitler had to scrap Operation Sealion (the invasion of Britain), and began looking East...Operation Barbarossa (the invasion of the USSR) soon followed. A decision which changed the war.

In effect, it's not much of a stretch to say the Brits won the war by winning the Battle of Britain.

1191 - Richard I, King of England, ordered the execution of 2,500 Muslim prisoners beneath the walls of Acre.

There's no way to deny the Crusaders had moments of pure barbarity...This was one.

1741 - Alaska was discovered by Danish explorer Vitus Bering.

Bering was a Dane, but sailed under the Russian flag...Thankfully the Ruskies were shortsighted enough to sell Alaska to the U.S. Try to image the Soviets with a toehold on the North American continent. That would have been a problem; it would still be a problem.

FYI: Bering was known by the name of Ivan Ivanovich by the Russians.

1866 - President Andrew Johnson formally declared the Civil War over, even though the fighting stopped months earlier.

Wars never end when the armistice is declared...There's always mop-up work to be done by the victor.

1940 - Exiled Russian Leon Trotsky was assassinated in Mexico City, with an ice pick to the back of the head, by one of Stalin's hired assassins.

Trotzky was exiled in 1929, and had been hiding since. It wasn't in Stalin's nature to let him live in peace, however, and only a matter of time before the 'ice pick' found its mark...Trotsky died the next day.

FYI: Trotsky is in no way a hero of mine, but I admit to stealing his nickname: 'PERO' = 'The Pen'.

1964 - President Lyndon Johnson signed a nearly $1 billion anti-poverty measure, the Economic Opportunity Act, which created 'Head Start,' 'Vista,' and other 'Great Society' programs.

Sounds nice, but what has been the result of all these UTOPIAN programs? There's still plenty of poverty, especially among children...And anyone who claims Head Start is successful must not notice the morons running around our society who can't read or write.

Just another case of Liberal idiots throwing good money after bad...Utopia ain't cheap - nor is it possible.

1968 - The Soviet Union and other Warsaw Pact nations began invading Czechoslovakia to crush the 'Prague Spring' liberalization drive of Alexander Dubcek's regime.

The Ruskies weren't screwing around, and had no intention of allowing one of their satellite states to dabble in capitalism or freedom...Because both are vaccines and treatments against Communism.

1998 - U.S. cruise missiles hit suspected terrorist bases in Afghanistan and the Sudan.

Thank God President Bubba was tough on terror...What a joke!!!!

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