Friday, November 23, 2018

November 24

1922 - The Italian Parliament gave Benito Mussolini dictatorial powers "for one year."

That was one Hell of a long year...21-years to be exact.

Rarely in history (if ever) has any 'dictator' given up such powers peacefully, which must be remembered by anyone granting such powers...No matter what the reasoning for doing so may be.

1859 - Darwin's 'Origin of Species' was published.

A brilliant book and a brilliant mind...I see no reason why the theories of Creation and Evolution have to be mutually exclusive, and have no problem believing the planet (and the entire universe) was created and expanded through both processes.

1942 - Soviet forces encircled the Germans at the Battle of Stalingrad:  WWII.

The German and Axis forces were about the reap what they had sown, with the Soviets forcing them into what the Germans called the 'Kessell' - cauldron...Better know as a hell on earth, where 300,000 Axis forces were about to perish or surrender - in a situation where it may have been better to die than surrender.

1944 - 111 U.S. B-29 Superfortress bombers attacked Tokyo for the first time since Captain Jimmy Doolittle's raid in 1942:  WWII.

To this day, the Japanese, and Liberal-Idiots, complain about this attack, and the 'Fire Raids' the U.S. Air Force executed over the next few months.

TOO BAD! War is Hell...The Japanese brought War to the U.S., so the U.S. brought Hell to the Japanese.

1947 - A group of writers, producers and directors which became known as the 'Hollywood Ten' were cited for contempt of Congress for refusing to answer questions about alleged Communist influence in the movie industry.

The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) had every reason to go after these scumbags...It was unproven at the time, but after the fall of the USSR, the Venona Papers proved Senator McCarthy was correct in his charges of Communist influence in Hollywood - and in the U.S. Government.

It’s too bad this committee isn’t around today. There are thousands of Un-American SOB’s running around with their mouths open, giving aid and comfort to our enemies...And again, including in the U.S. Government.

1998 - The U.N. Security Council voted to allow Iraq an additional $5.2 billion in oil sales over the next six months to cover humanitarian aid.

Thank goodness we gave these poor people their 'humanitarian aid'...Uhhhhhhhhh, $5.2 billion for terrorist payoffs and presidential palaces (aka: torture chambers and bomb-making factories) for Saddam Hussein.

How sickening.

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