Wednesday, November 28, 2018

November 29

799 - Charlemagne returned Pope Leo III to Rome.

So, why was he ‘returning?’
The previous Pope’s family tried to disfigure Leo to make him unfit for the papacy, wanting another family member to become Pope - and Leo fled to Charlemagne for help...Papal politics has always been ugly.

As a gift for protecting him, Leo crowned Charlemagne 'Emperor of the Romans' in 800...It wasn't just a gift to the King of the Franks - it was a way for Leo to guarantee his own safety.

That said, please don't mistake this as anything close to the Roman Empire...If anything, it was a path towards the Holy Roman Empire.

If you don't understand the differences you must come back to this blog more often.

1782 - Britain signed an agreement recognizing U.S. independence:  American Revolutionary War.

As if they had any choice.

1803 - Spain ceded her claims on the Louisiana Territory to France.

This sounds magnanimous enough, but in reality Napoleon controlled Spain and took the territory...It didn’t take him long to realize the territory was impossible to hold which led the Emperor to sell it to the U.S. - not as a gift to the U.S., but for the money and as a thorn in the side of the Brits.

1812 - The last elements of Napoleon Bonaparte's Grand Armee retreated across the Beresina River in Russia.

What a mess. One of history’s greatest fighting forces was all but annihilated by the Russian Winter...Napoleon regrouped to fight another day, but was never able to compensate for the loss of this fighting force.

1947 - The U.N. General Assembly passed Resolution 181, granting the Jewish people a homeland in ‘Palestine.’

This makes for nice mythology doesn’t it? The reality is the Jews fought for every inch of Israel, and will have to fight to hold it for all of time - if they choose to keep it, that is...The U.N. gave them nothing, and surely hasn’t helped them defend it.

1949 – The Nationalist regime of China left for Formosa.

Those who don’t know: Formosa = Taiwan...Which is why the Chinese lay claim to it, and will eventually have it. It’s amazing they don’t already.

1989 - The Czechs ended the Communist Party's 40-year monopoly on power. The revolution in Czechoslovakia was called the 'Velvet Revolution' because it occurred with little violence.

This was the beginning of the end for the various Communist nations in Eastern Europe, and the reason for the lack of ‘violence’ is because of the will and determination of Ronald Reagan...Along with the decay of the Soviet Union.

Reagan's policies put the Soviets in a position where they were unable to force themselves on their neighbors, because they could barely hold on at home.

1991 - The chairman of the Soviet Union's State Bank said his institution halted all payments to the national government because it had run out of money.

They bled the population economically (physically, mentally, and emotionally as well) and there was nothing left to take...The same will eventually happen in the non-communist countries which do the same to their people - including the U.S.

1996 - A U.N. court sentenced Bosnian Serb army soldier Drazen Erdemovic to ten years in prison for his role in the massacre of 1,200 Muslims; the first international war crimes sentence since World War II.

Not that they were good guys, but one has to wonder: Why the Serbs?

The U.N. allowed such mass murderers as Stalin, Mao, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Mihn, Yasser Arafat, Papa and Baby Doc, Saddam Hussein (till G.W), etc, etc., to go without being tried for ‘war crimes’ or ‘crimes against humanity’...So why the Serbs??

2005 - The Vatican published its long-awaited document on gays in the clergy, saying men with "deep-seated" homosexual tendencies should not be ordained but those with a "transitory problem" could be if they had overcome them for three years.

This is how the Church got in trouble with gays banging little boys in the first place: by allowing them in the seminary schools and not throwing them out when they were discovered...Which is why the Catholic Church deserves most of the disdain they have received on the matter of molestation. They have allowed it to happen by allowing gay priests to stay in their posts.

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