Wednesday, January 16, 2019

January 17

1991 - The U.S. Patriot Defense Missile was used in battle for the first time.  It shot down an Iraqi Scud fired at Saudi Arabia.

The Patriot defense system is truly revolutionary, because never in the history of ballistic warfare had a defensive weapon been used to intentionally eliminate an offensive weapon in use.

And for those who question the efficacy of missile defense:  The Russians and Chinese oppose and hate the development, production and placement of all types of missile defense...Which should say a lot about its effectiveness.

395 - Roman Emperor Theodosius died.

Theodosius was the last emperor to effectively rule the Roman Empire as a complete unit...Another event in a long line of events leading to the 'Fall of Rome.'

On his death, he granted his two sons parts of the Empire, which was permanently divided between the East and West...The West (Rome) fell in about 100 years, but the East (Constantinople) lasted for over 1,000 more.

1501 - The Papacy returned from Avignon to Rome.

Most people have no idea the Catholic Church went through a period where the Pope wasn't at Rome, or that there were periods of two competing Popes...Such is the ignorance of the American educational system - which is great when it comes to degenerate studies and Leftwing propaganda, but fails miserably when it comes to legitimate history.

The Catholic Church has always been a political entity, but never as much as it was during the pre-Reformation era.  It's too bad for the Church it took its fracturing, as well as being 'put in its place' by the various European princes and monarchs, before it was able to return to its primary position as the spiritual leader of the Christian world.

1821 - Mexico allowed Moses Austin and 300 U.S. families to settle in Texas.

Big mistake for the Mexicans...Huge boom for the U.S.

1935 - The League of Nations voted to award Germany the Saar Basin.

The first Nazi appeasement.

Hitler could tell from the beginning that France, Britain and the Soviets would do just about anything to avoid a fight...Unfortunately, Hitler was willing to do anything to force them to fight.

1945 - Soviet and Polish forces liberated Warsaw:  WWII.

The Soviets were nice enough to let the Poles do most of the fighting - and dying...A systematic scheme to undermine the Poles from the very beginning of their liberation.

Once again, lets not get too crazy about any sentence containing the words 'Soviet' and 'liberate.'

1946 - The United Nations Security Council held its first meeting.

Vomit In, Vomit Out!!

1964 - The PLO charter was put together with articles proclaiming Israel an illegal state, pledging "the elimination of Zionism in Palestine."

Few things are as amazing as the survival of the Jewish State in the middle of the Muslim wasteland...I’ve said for years, I don’t see how Israel can outlast its enemies. Here’s hoping I’m very wrong. Past history says I'm probably not.

1982 - 'Cold Sunday':  The U.S. saw temperatures drop to the lowest levels in over 100 years in many cities.

Had to be Global Cooling, back before Global Warming, back before Climate Change, of course...Sure.

1995 - The Kobe Earthquake:  A massive 7.2 earthquake destroyed Kobe, Japan, killing over 5,000.

Nature truly is a 'Mother.'

1997 - A French medical team removed ten bullets from Uday Hussein, son of Saddam Hussein. One bullet was still left lodged in his spine.

How nice of the French to save one of the worlds biggest psychopaths...Papa Hussein was bad, and Kim Jong Ill was a treat as well, but Uday may have taken the cake.

I’m sure the people Uday sent through the plastic shredders, or the soccer players who lost their legs for losing soccer matches, thanked these French bastards for saving Saddam's loony son...Thankfully the U.S. Military gave him a proper ending six years later.

1998 - President Bill Clinton was interrogated during a deposition in the Paula Jones case. It was the first time a sitting president was interrogated in a court case. During the nearly six hours of sworn testimony, Clinton denied he engaged in a sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky.

This was a civil trial, not some 'right wing conspiracy'...AND THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES COMMITTED PERJURY!!!!!!

That said, the problem with Clinton was never about sexual relations (sadly much of America had no problem with his sexual weakness), but was about his overall lack of honesty and decency...We’ve had rogues in the White House before, but none were quite like Bubba.

Thankfully, his equal despicable wife will never be President.

2001 - The British House of Commons voted to ban fox hunting.

How pathetic for what was formerly the most powerful nation on Earth to have its federal government reduced to such stupid governance.

Sadly, the U.S. government is getting to this point, as well.

2003 - The Strategic Partnership with Africa (SPA), consisting of 15 developed nations, international lending institutions and U.N. agencies, concluded its annual meeting in Addis Ababa, agreeing to increase aid to Africa.

What a colossal joke...No one at the U.N. cares about Africa (as displayed in Rwanda, the Sudan, etc.). They just pay off African dictators in order to get their support in the Circle Jerk Group, and to steal their  natural resources.

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