Monday, January 07, 2019

January 8

1926 - Abdul-Aziz ibn Saud established the Kingdom of Hejaz - later renamed Saudi Arabia.

A country was created out of the desert wasteland...What a cruel irony their only valuable resource is the most important resource on Earth:  Oil.

And the world’s most irresponsible and lunatic people happen to control a large portion of the world's share of it.

1815 - The Battle of New Orleans:  War of 1812.  U.S. forces, led by General Andrew Jackson defeated the British in the last battle of the war.

The war ‘officially’ ended on December 24, 1814, but news of the peace treaty hadn’t reached the South yet...That's a good story, but not reality.

The truth is the Brits were hoping for a victory in New Orleans to use as a way of restarting the war, or at the very least to use as a bargaining tool against the U.S. in peace negotiations.

Instead the Brits got whooped, and it was beautiful for Jackson to slap the Brits around to the tune of 2,044 British casualties to only 71 for the U.S. troops...It was the last time the Brits returned to the U.S. with bad intentions.

1871 - Prussian troops began bombarding Paris:  Franco-Prussian War.

This became a reoccurring theme for the next 70-years between the Germans and French...Amazingly, they are friends now, but sooner or later the French will be Germany’s whipping-boy again.

1918 - President Wilson outlined his 'Fourteen Points for Peace':  World War I.

It all sounded nice, his idealistic plan for a world forever free from conflict, but the reality was (and always will be) the world isn’t a pretty place...The League of Nations was created out of Wilson’s Utopian pipe-dream, but the U.S. didn’t even join it, and WWII was less than 25-years away.

1954 - President Dwight Eisenhower proposed stripping convicted communists of their U.S. citizenship.

This was a move which would have been completely against the First Amendment, and never made it past the Supreme Court...He could have done more to destroy communism in America had he done more to destroy it internationally.

1964 - President Lyndon Johnson declared a 'War on Poverty.'

In order to crush poverty he increased welfare, which increased the 'political indentured servitude' of America’s poor and minorities by tying them to the Democrat Party...All along knowing these people would never be able to pull themselves out of their poor state as long as the Democrat Party was around to 'help keep them down.'

I have to admit it has been the greatest political strategy in American history, even though it's also been one of the most destructive social experiments in that same history.

1997 - The state of Arkansas put three men to death in the second triple execution since capital punishment was reinstated in 1976.

Gotta love a ‘triple’...It's good anytime a criminal scumbag is removed from this world. It's even better when three go at a time.

1998 - 'Unabomber' suspect Theodore Kaczynski tried to commit suicide just hours before stunning a packed courtroom by saying he wanted to be his own lawyer and argue he was sane. He appeared in court with a red mark on his neck and missing his undershorts, leading police to conclude he attempted to kill himself in his cell at the Sacramento County Jail. He was placed under security surveillance.

On the next day, they should have tossed a rope in his cell...Instead the state of California will be paying to incarcerate this piece of garbage for the rest of his life. What a sad joke.

1998:  World Trade Center bomber Rahmzi Ahmed Yousef was sentenced to life in prison.

Six people died and over a thousand were injured, yet this terrorist was given a life sentence instead of being executed.  Like Kaczynski, this case is a sad joke.

2002 – The 'No Child Left Behind Act,' was signed into law by President Bush.

Another case of 'Bad if (R) and Good if (D)'...Also, don't forget, this was a 'bi-partisan' bill, co-authored by two Republicans and two Democrats (one being Ted Kennedy).

The media and the Left love to snipe at this act, but if the same bill had been passed under Bill Clinton or Obama they’d be saying it is a great law.

2002 - The Bush administration sent a secret report to Congress, the 'Nuclear Posture Review,' which said the Pentagon needed to be prepared to use nuclear weapons against seven nations: China, Russia, Iraq, North Korea, Syria, Iran, and Libya.

The press and Congressional Democrats went nuts over this report...But it's a matter of National Defense, which should have been done long before this date.

The president’s first priority is protecting the nation. Neglecting to acknowledge our enemies, and finding ways to destroy them, would be a complete dereliction of duty...Something Democrats have become expert at.

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