Tuesday, January 01, 2019

January 2

1492- Muhammad XI, leader of the last Arab/Moor stronghold in Granada, Spain, surrendered to Spanish forces loyal to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella.

Muslim Moors held Spain for around 780-years before the Spanish Reconquista was complete. The Christian Spanish have held it for around 500-years, and the Muslim Reconquista is just beginning...It's debatable if the Christians - though its almost comical to call any European country 'Christian' anymore - will be able to hold off the Muslims long enough to match their 780-year reign.

Personally, I doubt if they can...If nothing else they'll be conquered through moronic immigration policies, which will lead to the Christian population being out-bred by the Islamic.

1570 - Russian Czar Ivan the Terrible began marching on Novgorod.

Ivan was most definitely 'terrible', for his own people and his neighbors, but he was instrumental in strengthening and building the Russian nation...Which is why he is one of the most respected and approved of Russian rulers in history - by the Russian people.  A fact, which is true for most of the 'great' Russian rulers - including in our time.

1776 - George Washington designed the first U.S. Flag with thirteen red and white stripes and a Union Jack in the corner:  American Revolutionary War.

Most will wonder why he put the British 'Jack' on the flag, but it's important to remember the colonies hadn't declared independence from England at this time - and many still held out hope of avoiding doing so.

1872 - Brigham Young, leader of the Mormon Church, was arrested on a charge of bigamy. He had 25 wives.

Here's betting bigamy/polygamy, incest and pedophilia become the next battle in the redefinition of marriage.  And those who support multiple marriages will take the same path as those who support gay marriage:  'Who is to stand in the way of consenting adults in love?'

Mark my words.  All of this will be brought forward in the name of 'progress' (which is actually historical regression) in our lifetime.

1882 - Standard Oil was organized as a trust to avoid anti-monopoly laws.

Interestingly, this same 'trust' was eventually broken up under anti-trust laws designed to break up monopolies.

1905 - After a six-month siege, Russia surrendered Port Arthur to the Japanese.

The Japanese Navy destroyed the Russian Far East and Baltic Fleets, setting itself up for a 40-year run as one of the world's great military nations...An accomplishment of major significance; especially considering Japan is such a small nation with almost no natural resources - outside of its loyal and brilliant people.

1954 - Senator Joseph McCarthy was condemned by Congress, and later censured by the Senate.

McCarthy went over the top - particularly in attacking the Army - but it's not surprising many of his claims proved to be true about Communist infiltration of the government and Hollywood.

1997 - California's law against smoking in public places, passed in 1995, was extended to bars. Reports from the first day in effect was the law was widely ignored.

I'm not a smoker, and generally prefer not being in places where smokers are, but I can't be the only one who finds it bizarre that California fights smoking tobacco so hard yet finds ways to support smoking marijuana.

2001 - President Bill Clinton met with Yasser Arafat and coaxed him to curb Middle East violence.

These two should always be listed together for their efforts at ending the Jihadist insanity in the Middle East.  In other words: They should be linked as absolute frauds and failures when it comes to Middle East peace.

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