Sunday, March 10, 2019

March 11

1942 - As Japanese forces continued to advance in the Pacific during World War II, General Douglas MacArthur left the Philippines for Australia, vowing: "I shall return."

Other than Teddy Roosevelt, I have read more about 'The General' than any other American figure, and am still amazed he didn’t commit suicide or throw himself into the front lines after being ordered out of the Philippines by FDR. Of course, it was a good thing for the American war effort, but I am very surprised he left Corregidor alive...He was a chivalrous man, and it had to kill him to leave his troops to the fate of their Japanese captors.

As it turned out, returning to the Philippines was unnecessary, but it was important to MacArthur...As C-in-C, Roosevelt should have forced MacArthur to skip the Philippines, but politically there was no way Roosevelt could have kept him from fulfilling his vow.

537 - Goths laid siege to Rome.

Ho, Hum...Germanic (Goth, Vandal, etc.) raids on Rome had become a normal occurrence long before this date, and the West Roman Empire as a political entity was long gone by this time anyway.

1861 - The Confederate States of America adopted its constitution:  U.S. Civil War.

Thankfully our modern-day Liberal idiots weren't around at this time, because I don't think they would have stomached what it took to bring the South back into the Union...Sometimes war is the only answer.

1862 - President Lincoln confined George B. McClellan's command to the Army of the Potomac:  U.S. Civil War.

He should have fired him for refusal to use his forces to destroy the Confederates...McClellan would have made a great Quartermaster, and may have even been a 'brilliant' strategist, but he didn't have the guts to put his plans into effect in a timely manner, nor the killer instincts to be a battlefield commander.

1918 - The first cases of the Spanish flu were reported in the U.S.

WWI was coming to an end, but the world was hardly done dying...In the U.S., alone, over 600,000 died from this flu.  Tens of millions died worldwide.

1930 - William Howard Taft became the first President of the United States buried in the National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia.

Those who haven’t been there must go...Two of the most solemn days of my life were spent at Arlington, and few things have touched me more.

1935 - Hermann Goering officially created the Luftwaffe: the German Air Force.

Congratulations to the Fat Field Marshal...We should all be glad he was in charge of this unit, because his mistakes in the Battle of Britain were the undoing of the Luftwaffe, and also led Hitler to the decision of invading Russia since he couldn't invest Britain.

Oh by the way, Goering also botched the air offensive in the Soviet Union, as well.

1941 - The U.S. Congress passed the Lend-Lease Bill, enabling Britain to borrow money to buy additional food and arms:  World War II.

How nice...The U.S. should have just entered the war, instead of waiting to be dragged in by the Japanese.

FDR's greatest flaw: He was a politician first, a statesman last...Luckily he was a great war leader once he committed to the fight.

1990 - The Lithuanian parliament voted to break away from the Soviet Union and restore the republic's independence.

This was a great year for ‘freedom,’ with the Soviets beginning to show signs of their downfall, which unknowingly began years before 1990.


1993 - North Korea withdrew from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in a harsh rebuff of Western demands to open suspected nuclear weapons development sites for inspection.

As an incentive to play nice, Clinton gave them nuclear reactors...Uhhhhh?

1998 - The International Astronomical Union issued an alert, saying a mile-wide asteroid could zip very close to Earth on October 26th, 2028, possibly colliding with it. They said the asteroid, which had not been seen before, would pass as close as 30,000 miles to the Earth. Dr. Brian Marsden of the International Astronomical Union said: "Even if it were on a path to hit Earth, technology might be available by then capable of deflecting the asteroid." (But the next day, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory said "there was no chance the asteroid will hit Earth.")

Lets pretend they knew for sure the asteroid WOULD hit Earth:

Do you think it would be a good idea to have everyone worry about it for the next 30-years? Of course not. They’d keep it quiet and try to find a way to destroy it.

So, is this what they realized the day after, or is it really not going to hit the Earth...The year 2028 may be very interesting.

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Saturday, March 09, 2019

March 10 (A Double)

241 B.C. - The Battle of Aegusa: Rome v. Carthage

Also known as the Battle of the Aegates Islands.

The First Punic War had raged for over 20-years, and the Romans were at a break point with their navy almost completely destroyed and infantry losses becoming irreparable...This battle was a last gasp to stop the Carthaginians, and a victorious one which allowed the Romans to regroup at home and slow down Carthaginian supply-lines between Africa and Italy.

The war ended within a year due to the strategic stalemate caused by this battle. As a result, the Western world became Greco-Roman instead of Greco-Roman-Carthaginian - it's highly unlikely the Carthaginians could have ever supplanted the Romans, but if they survived it would have led to a different Western world than we currently have. A fact which has formed everything we are and will become...For these reasons, this is one of the most important naval battles in the history of the world.

1876 - The first telephone call was made by Alexander Graham Bell.

The modern communication age was born with the invention of Morse Code, but it took a giant leap with Bell’s invention...Even this genius couldn’t have foreseen the eventual shrinking of the world through the simple wiring of telephone lines connected to computers, however.

Ok, it wasn't so simple.

515 B.C. - The re-building of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem was completed.

How ironic it was a Persian king (Cyrus the Great) who released the Jews from the 'Babylonian Captivity' and encouraged the rebuilding of the Temple, but in our time it is the descendants of Cyrus (the Iranians) who would love nothing more than to destroy the modern Jewish state.

1940 - Germany invaded Belgium, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, and France:  WWII.

The Germans were soon amazed at the relative ease required to defeat this pathetic group...Hell, the Poles and Greeks put up at least as much of a fight as the mighty French.

1949 - Nazi wartime broadcaster Mildred E. Gillars, also known as 'Axis Sally,' was convicted. She served 12-years in prison.

How pathetic - 12-years for treason?!?! What ever happened to executing those who turn on their country? We’d have to kill too many Liberals I guess.

1995 - The U.S. Labor Department reported the nation's unemployment rate for February dropped to 5.4 percent, down 0.3 percent from the month before.

This was during a 'boom period'...President G.W. Bush managed to have similar numbers during a recession, yet he was constantly banged on by the media for presiding over a week economy.

5.4 with (D) = Good, 5.4 with (R) = Bad. Incredibly, the MSM found ways to be impressed with President Obama when most of his presidency consisted of 6%+ unemployment - that's the 'reported number, anyway.  The real number is much higher.

Bunch of hypocritical SOB’s!!

1997 - The White House and FBI clashed in a rare public quarrel after President Bill Clinton said he should have been alerted when the bureau told national security officials the Chinese government might be trying to influence U.S. elections.

Of course the White House couldn't be alerted about what the FBI found on this issue...Clinton and Gore knew they were receiving Chinese BRIBES, and would have squashed the investigation before it was finished had they known.

Wait a minute.  Did that say the Chinese tried to influence American elections?  I'm shocked!  I thought only the Ruskies did this kind of shenanigans...Well, the Ruskies and the U.S.

1998 - Federal authorities announced food stamps were issued to nearly 26,000 dead people in 1995-96. The General Accounting Office said in a report, $8.5 million in food stamps were issued to 25,881 deceased people in the two-year period, based on a review after comparing food stamp rolls with death lists in the four most populous states, which account for one-third of the country's 20.4 million food stamp recipients.

I wonder how many of these 'dead people' are allowed to routinely vote a straight (D) ticket in elections...Hmmm.

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Friday, March 08, 2019

March 9 (A Double)

1862 - The Battle of Hampton Roads: U.S. Civil War.  The ironclads 'USS Monitor' (Union) and 'CSS Merrimack' (Confederate) had their famous battle.

The battle between the Monitor and the Merrimack was the world’s first naval battle between two ironclad ships...Neither had the proper weaponry to sink the other, and the two ships were unable to finish each other off through ramming, so the battle ended in an uneventful tie.

Tactically and strategically the battle had little worth, but the importance of the battle was the power displayed by the ships, which revolutionized naval shipbuilding worldwide.

1864 - General Ulysses S. Grant was appointed Commander-in-Chief of Union forces:  U.S. Civil War.

Lincoln finally had his 'fighting general,' and Grant did not disappoint him.

Many revisionist historians have attempted to smear Grant’s reputation, calling him a butcher and accusing him of unwisely wasting his troops. These historians are ridiculous, and Grant knew the fastest way to end the war (which would end the slaughter) was to constantly attack Lee’s forces and destroy them...Lincoln knew this as well, and had no reservations about Grant’s methods or personal foibles.

Sadly, our modern presidents, representatives and military pundits don't understand the only way to fight a war is to crush the enemy and force them to surrender...Well, it's the only way to 'successfully' fight a war.

1776 - The book 'Wealth of Nations' was published.

Adam Smith's great book on capitalism is one of the most important economics books in history.  His genius was true in the 18th Century, and it is true in the 21st...Because it is true.

Hopefully our leaders and people relearn this truth in the near future...Don't hold your breath, however.

1916 - Pancho Villa led a Mexican band in a raid on Columbus, New Mexico, killing more than twelve people.

This was back in the day when the Mexicans were more like the Huns and Vandals. In our time they are much more like the Goths...If you don’t understand the reference you need to return here more often.

1918 - The Russian Bolshevik Party became the Communist Party.

Call it whatever you want, Lenin created and ran an insane asylum...And he passed it off to the perfect mental patient: Joe Stalin.

1945 - U.S. B-29 bombers launched attacks on Japan, causing widespread devastation. In Tokyo, an estimated 80,000-120,000 people died:  WWII.

The Japanese were lucky the U.S. didn’t have to invade Japan Proper, because this number would have multiplied to millions of Japanese dead...And please don’t fall for the Liberal garbage that we committed war crimes with these fire-raids. The Japanese brought this on themselves by refusing to quit without a thorough ass kicking.

1976 - The first female cadets were accepted for admission to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

No nation should accept or demand their women to join the military...Unless the nation is at peril of losing its sovereignty.

The whole idea of women in the military as a means of equality is a joke, and has weakened our total force structure.

IT’S NOT THAT THEY CAN’T, IT’S THAT THEY SHOULDN’T!! And lets be real honest, most also can't!

1994 - The U.N. Human Rights Commission condemned anti-Semitism, putting the world body on record for the first time opposing discrimination against Jews.

And what has the U.N. done to enforce its condemnation? Not a damn thing...And what was the U.N. doing prior to 1994? Not a damn thing.

What a joke!!

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Thursday, March 07, 2019

March 8

1917 (New Style Calendar) - The February Revolution began: Strikes and riots in St. Petersburg marked the start of this phase of the communist Russian revolution.

The Czar foolishly underestimated the power of the people, and soon paid the price with the loss of his empire and life.

From the beginning, St. Petersburg (the Petrograd Soviet) played a vital roll in the revolution, and was honored as such with the name of the city later changing to Leningrad.

Speaking of Lenin, it's important to remember Vladimir wasn't in Russia at this time.  In fact, he was just leaving his exile in Switzerland - with the help of the Germans, who were using him as an agent to get the Russians out of WWI. 

FYI: This portion of the revolution is known as the February Revolution, because of the Russians still used the Julian Calendar...It's also important to understand the Russian Revolution was a series of events, which is why there are various titles (February Revolution, October Revolution, etc.)

1618 - Johannes Kepler discovered the 'Third Law of Planetary Motion,' also known as the 'Harmonic Law.'

"The squares of the orbital periods of planets are directly proportional to the cubes of the semi-major axis of the orbits."

Newton and Einstein are the the 'Giants of Physics,' but Kepler should be remembered as well...Without his findings, the other geniuses may never have evolved.

1921 - After Germany failed to make its first war reparation payment, French troops occupied Dusseldorf and other towns on the Ruhr River in Germany's industrial heartland.

Of course they missed their payment, the French insisted on impossible terms...So the French 'flexed their muscle' (HAHAHAHA), only to give up the territory upon Hitler’s first challenge.

No wonder he had no fear of later reprisals.

1950 - The Soviet Union claimed to be in possession of the atomic bomb.

It was going to happen eventually, but this claim (later proven a fact through testing) was a precursor to catastrophe...No longer could the American nuclear arsenal be used to stop 'evil empires,' because she wouldn't be willing to take hits from Russian nukes herself.

1983 – President Reagan called the USSR an "Evil Empire."

How else do you describe a Hell State which enslaved its population and that of every one of its neighbors.

Amazingly, American Liberals went ballistic over Reagan’s comment, as did the Euro’s. Per normal, both were on the wrong side of history and are now trying to recreate history to include themselves in the downfall of the USSR - or make the claim the world was better with the Soviets.

Equally amazing, these two groups of clowns are repeating their mistakes with the War on Terror.

1995 - President Bill Clinton issued Executive Order 12,954, authorizing debarment of federal contractors who hired permanent strike replacements.

1. How much more obvious can it be that the Democrat Party is in the pocket of labor unions?

2. Why in the world have their been 13,000 Executive Orders?

1999 - The Clinton administration directed the firing of nuclear scientist Wen Ho Lee from his job at the Los Alamos National Laboratory because of alleged security violations.

Didn’t this gentleman stay a few nights in the Lincoln Bedroom at the White House?

It’s hard to keep all of Clinton’s debacles sorted out...And hummers from ugly chicks was the least of the problems.

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Wednesday, March 06, 2019

March 7 (A Double)

1530 - King Henry VIII's request for a divorce with Catherine of Aragon was turned down by Pope Clement

The pope made a huge strategic mistake with this decision...The Reformation was only 12-years old, and his decision to bar the English monarch from this divorce turned England against the Church.

Who knows how history would have played out if the Brits remained in the Catholic sphere instead of the future leader of the Protestant world?

1936 - Adolf Hitler ordered his troops to march into the Rhineland, thereby breaking the Treaty of Versailles and the Locarno Pact.

This was the first chance the French and Brits had to check ‘The Madman’...But they didn’t have the intestinal fortitude, and failed civilization in an unimaginable way.

This decision proved extremely costly...Incredibly, Hitler gave them more opportunities before the Polish invasion, but they continued to shy away from solving the problem until it was too late and became cataclysmic.

322 B.C. - Aristotle died. His writings included treatises on logic, metaphysics, ethics, politics, rhetoric and natural sciences. He first described language in terms of subject and predicate as well as parts of speech. Aristotelian Logic is based on a small number of unambiguous constructs, such as, "if A, then B": the truth of one implies the truth of another. This celebrated rule gives Aristotelian reasoning the power to establish facts through inference. The constructs also included A=A, representing that every entity is equal to itself. He defined politics as the science of the sciences that looks after well-being. His writings included 'De Generatione Animalum.'

Aristotle is the most well known of the ancient thinkers, and a man with few intellectual superiors. It also didn't hurt his reputation to be Alexander the Great's mentor...Which leads to the question: Did the teacher make the student, or did the student make the teacher?

1921 - Leon Trotsky's Red Army attacked rebellious sailors at Kronstadt, with great slaughter.

It's ironic the last legitimate force the Bolsheviks had to destroy were these sailors, who happened to be the first legitimate force to side with the Bolsheviks in 1917...Such is the twist of fate.

And, 'great slaughter' was nothing abnormal for the Bolsheviks.

1911 - The United States sent 20,000 troops to the Mexican border as a precaution in the wake of the Mexican Revolution.

We are long overdue to do the same to guard against the current Mexican invasion.

1975 - The U.S. Senate revised its filibuster rule, allowing 60 senators to limit debate in most cases, instead of the previously required two-thirds of senators present.

Changing the rules of the Senate is a simple procedure. It has been done in the past and will continue to be done in the future. Such is the game when the minority party insists on obstructing the majority...
I just wish the Republicans would use these rules as effectively as Democrats do.

That said, meant to set up the Senate as a 'defensive' mechanism against the 'offensive' nature of the House, and the Founders would have very little problem with the fact it tends to hold up 'change.'

1994 - The U.S. Navy issued its first permanent orders assigning women to regular duty on a combat ship, in this case, the USS 'Eisenhower.'

Women should never be in combat, except as a last-ditch need for a country in dire straits...That said, if they are going to take up spots in the military, they must be combat effective, and usable.

Every woman in the military should be available for combat duty...100%.

The logical conclusion is they shouldn’t be in the military at all. The military isn’t a social experiment, it is the first and last line of defense for our nation...But Liberals care more about social engineering than National Defense.

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Tuesday, March 05, 2019

March 6 (A Triple)

1820 - The Missouri Compromise was signed by President James Monroe, providing for the admission of Missouri into the Union as a slave state, but prohibited slavery in the rest of the northern Louisiana Territory.

The illogical-logic of having the unwillingness to confront the problem, yet knowing slavery was terribly wrong...Such was the state of affairs in early-mid 19th Century America.

Democracy is a wonderful thing, but it isn't perfect. One of the inherent weaknesses of free democracies is the perpetual need to appease at least half the populace to remain in power. Which often leads to the continuation of bad policies at the expense of votes.

1857 - The Dred Scott Decision: The U.S. Supreme Court handed down its landmark ruling that black slave Dred Scott could not sue for his freedom in a federal court because he was not a U.S. citizen.  The Court also didn't buy it that his white master died in a 'free' state.

Another hideous reality of American history, but not one which dents its greatness...This is something to keep in mind any time you think only good answers come out of the courts.

Many Union troops lost their lives in the quest to correct this wrong.


1961 – Executive Order 10925 established the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. It was charged with the elimination of race, creed, color, and national origin as barriers to employment in the government as well as in firms employed on government contracts. The order used the term “affirmative action” to refer to measures designed to achieve non-discrimination.

A noble objective, pursued through an ignoble mechanism.

Racism should be ended through equality of condition and opportunity, not through 'Reverse-Racism' or artificial positioning of any race...It isn't good for the nation as a whole - and isn't even positive for those being propped up.

1836 - The Battle of the Alamo ended: Mexican forces captured the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas, killing the last of 187 defenders who held out in the fortified mission for 13 days.

This was a battle won by Mexico, but a rallying cry for many Americans to go to war with Mexico...It took a few years, but the Texans got their revenge in the long-run.

1861 - The Confederate Congress called for 100,000 volunteers.

Within a few months they were put to use.

1944 - U.S. heavy bombers staged the first American raid on Berlin:  World War II.

We all know the saying: 'Payback is a bitch'...Well, the Krauts had a lot of payback coming their way, and the next year saw the raising of their cities.

1981 - Walter Cronkite said "And that's the way it is" for the final time, as he closed the "CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite."

And then he was followed by an even bigger Liberal turd: Dan Rather.

1990 - The Soviet Parliament approved a property law allowing private citizens the right to own the means of production and other business enterprises for the first time since the early 1920s.

The chains were falling...But their weight was such that they continue to shackle those who wore them.

Oh, and so does the mighty fist of the Russian overlords.

1991 - Following Iraq's capitulation in the Persian Gulf conflict, President GHW Bush told a cheering joint session of Congress that "aggression is defeated. The war is over."

Papa Bush proclaimed “peace in our time,” but just like Neville Chamberlain he did nothing but pass the problem on to another leader...Unfortunately, Bush was succeeded by a man of much less testicular fortitude.

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Monday, March 04, 2019

March 5 (A Triple)

1946 - The 'Iron Curtain Speech': Winston Churchill delivered his famous speech at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri.

"From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron Curtain has descended across the Continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe. Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest and Sofia, all these famous cities and the populations around them lie in...the Soviet sphere."

Churchill was the greatest leader in the free world during the 20th Century, and his evaluation of Soviet Communism was right on target...Just as he had been regarding Nazism in the 1930's.

1953 - After 29-years in power, Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin died at the age of 73.

In the entire history of the world, Stalin stands side by side with any of the worst and most destructive human beings...In his 12-year period of raising Hell, Hitler may have been worse, but Stalin was in power 17-years longer than Hitler, which allowed him to catch up and pass the German madman in the total number of lives ruined or ended.  Though he fell short of Mao's final number - and probably Genghis Khan's as well.

Here's how Stalin spent his last moments:

"For the last twelve hours the lack of oxygen became acute. His face and lips blackened as he suffered slow strangulation. The death agony was terrible. He literally choked to death as we watched. At what seemed to be the very last moment, he opened his eyes and cast a glance over everyone in the room. It was a terrible glance, insane and perhaps angry, full of fear of death." - Svetlana Stalin (Joe's daughter).

In other words, the Man of Steel exited the world just as he lived in it...Here's hoping he suffered mightily in death, and continues to do so in Hell.

2004 - Libya acknowledged stockpiling 44,000 pounds of mustard gas and disclosed the location of a production plant in a declaration submitted to the world's chemical weapons watchdog.

WOW!! This was an unforeseen, AND BARELY REPORTED, benefit of the Iraq War...It was also a scary awakening to the reality of the Middle East: If Libya had such weapons, what do the big players have?

The world also has to notice it wasn't long until the U.S. took out Gaddafi after he gave up his toys - It's debatable if we would have if he hadn't...Something every dictator with such weapons will keep in mind when we ask them to give them up:  North Korea, Iran, etc.

1616 - The Roman Catholic Church, through Cardinal Robert Bellarmine, declared Copernicanism a “false and erroneous” doctrine. As a result, Nicolaus Copernicus’ 'de Revolutionibus' was placed on the Index of Forbidden Books by the Roman Catholic Church.

He couldn’t prove his theories at the time, but Copernican ideas eventually won out on this argument...Years after his death.

1770 - The Boston Massacre: British soldiers, who had been taunted by a crowd of American colonists, opened fire killing five people.

In terms of bloodshed the 'massacre' has been over-hyped, but in terms of propaganda value for what was becoming a revolutionary cause it was a tremendous gift.

1933 - President Franklin Roosevelt ordered a four-day bank holiday in order to stop large amounts of money from being withdrawn from the banks.

Ever wonder why FDIC banks are never closed for four consecutive days? Here is your reason...I like FDR as a ‘war president,’ but his domestic plans were disastrous, and many were unconstitutional.

1933 - In German parliamentary elections, the Nazi Party won 44% of the vote, enabling it to join with the Nationalists to gain a slender majority in the Reichstag.

It is important to remember the Nazis took power through the ballot-box...Needless to say, this was the last 'free election' the Germans had for awhile.

Under the wrong circumstances it could happen in any country...Even in the U.S.

1998 - NASA officials announced the Lunar Prospector probe found the presence of water on the moon at the north and south poles. As much as 100 million tons of water was estimated. They estimated the water frozen in the loose soil of the moon might support a lunar base and a human colony.

The Moon is the next step in 'America’s Manifest Destiny'...No other country has ever been there, and none will have the audacity and ability to colonize it either.

1999 - In China, the annual two week plenary session was scheduled to amend the Constitution. The preamble mentioned the goal of developing a "socialist market economy" and acknowledged the late Deng Xiaoping. Revisions were planned to protect private enterprise and recognize multiple forms of ownership.

This was a giant leap towards capitalism, but China is a long way from having a free-market economy...If they ever allow free markets the world will see the establishment of an economic giant, capable of challenging the U.S. in the global economy - not just in GDP, but in individual economic wealth as well.

That's a big 'if,' though.

2000 - A Virginia subsidiary of PPL Therapeutics of Edinburgh, Scotland, the company that cloned Dolly the sheep, produced the first cloned pigs.

Congratulations! The Frankenstinians are extremely brilliant, and equally immoral and dangerous.

2001 - Muslim pilgrims began the stoning of the three pillars symbolizing the devil as part of the annual hajj to Mecca. 35 people suffocated to death during the stoning of the devil ritual.

Nice religion...If it only happened this particular year it would be an accident, but it happens every year.

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Sunday, March 03, 2019

March 4

1519 - Hernando Cortes landed in Mexico.

Cortes landed with around 600 troops and 20 horses, and took on the most powerful nation in the New World - with a population of millions.

There is no way the Spaniard should have been able to defeat such an empire, but Cortes' force of will and audacity, along with an incredible amount of luck, technology, horses, native enemies the Aztecs had abused for years, and smallpox, allowed him to perform the Alexandrian task of conquering the Aztecs...I'd argue what Cortes accomplished was even more amazing than what Alexander the Great did - regardless of how it happened.

That said, had the Aztecs followed the 'First Rule of Invasions':  Kill them on the beach - their civilization might still be around. But they didn't, and paid the ultimate price for their mistake.

1238 - Battle of the Sit River:  Russia vs. Mongols.

The Mongols thoroughly crushed the Russians in this battle, which effectively ended Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian unified resistance; at least as an organized force.

As a result, these lands were subjected to two centuries of Mongol domination.  A fact which forever changed the culture, psychology and biological makeup of the region.

1776 - George Washington's colonial forces occupied Dorchester Heights, Massachusetts:  American Revolutionary War.

Overnight the Continentals secretly manned the heights, building defensive structures and lining cannon to defend Boston Harbor...On March 17th the British accepted their position was untenable and retreated.

This 'battle' was one of the early 'victories' in the Revolution and was of enormous strategic value to the Continentals:  "The rebels have done more in one night than my whole army could do in months." - British General William Howe

1789 - The U.S. Constitution went into effect when the first federal Congress met in New York.

The most perfect government system ever created took effect - a low threshold to pass, but still.

Obviously it has flaws, and required revisions, but the fact it contains a means for doing so is part of its greatness.

1801 - Thomas Jefferson became the first U.S. President inaugurated in Washington D.C.

There's a trivia question most Americans won't get correct, because they would assume George Washington was the first...Washington's first inauguration was in New York City, and his second in Philadelphia.  John Adams was also inaugurated in Philadelphia, but he was the first to live in the White House, when the federal government moved to D.C. in 1800.

1849 - Senator David Atchison was President of the United States - at least he claimed to be for one day.

This date was supposed to be inauguration day for President-Elect Zachary Taylor, but it was a Sunday and Taylor wasn't sworn in (quite a different time back then when it came to religion)...Sen. Atchison was the President Pro Tempore, and as such believed it was his duty to assume the title of President to assure continuity of the government.

Another trivia question I'm pretty certain only a handful of Americans would know.

1917 - Jeanette Rankin (Montana) was sworn in as a member of the House of Representatives and became the first woman to serve in Congress.

How odd that a woman was elected to a federal office before women were allowed to vote in federal elections...That said, lets not get too excited about Rep. Rankin. She voted against U.S. entry in WWI, and was the only representative to vote against entering WWII after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor:

"Small use it will be to save democracy for the race, if we cannot save the race for democracy." - J. Rankin.

Ugh! She would fit in perfectly with our current peacenik jackasses.

1997 - Declaring the creation of life "a miracle that reaches beyond laboratory science," President Bill Clinton barred spending federal money on human cloning.

I must admit I didn’t think he had this amount of decency in him...On the same note, why wouldn’t he have the same opinion on the destruction of life in the womb? Particularly in the case of Partial Birth Abortions?

2009 - The International Criminal Court issued and arrest warrant for Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir for war crimes in Darfur.

Of course Bashir is a 'bad man.'  So what has the ICC done about it?  Last I checked he's still in power ...Also, why Bashir?  Or even the rest of those on the ICC list of 'war criminals and crimes against humanity?'  There are so many bad actors in the world, the list could be much larger, but the reality is the list is political and about power.  Those on the list are 'small' compared to those who belong on it.

And even if the list is legit, what is the ICC going to do about it?  Nada!

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Saturday, March 02, 2019

March 3

1918 - The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk: Germany, Austria and Russia signed an armistice ending Russian participation in World War I.

Nice of the Ruskies to quit the war without the Western Allies...Son's of bitches.

Along with the 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop Non-Aggression Treaty (Russia agreed to allow the Germans to invade Poland, and to take part of it themselves), this is one of the the largest reasons why the Allies chose Germany’s 'Soft Underbelly' to start with in WWII...The U.S. and Brits agreed to let the Soviets take the brunt of the German assault, while they prepared for the invasion of the continent - which they deserved for being duplicitous Commie bastards.

493 - Ostrogoth King Theodorik the Great defeated Odoaker.

The barbarians had overrun Rome, and the time for plunder was coming to an end.  Someone had to take charge and rule the once great city and it's surrounding areas, and although Theodorik was a ruffian he was a far superior leader than the rest of the Goths - or any of the other Germanic tribes at the time.

1815 - The United States declared war on the Bey of Algiers, due to piracy in the Mediterranean Sea.

A proud tradition began with this declaration, which stated the U.S. would not be held captive (physically, emotionally or economically) by pirates - the terrorists of their time.

1845 - For the first time, the U.S. Congress passed legislation overriding a presidential veto - against President John Tyler.

This is proof the Constitution’s ‘checks and balance system’ works...Veto's and overrides should be used more often, because they would keep both the executive and legislative branches more honest.

Which is exactly why they aren't used.

1903 - The Immigration Act was amended. Congress provided for denial of naturalization and for deportation for the mere belief in certain doctrines (IE: anarchy).

How obvious is this?? Incredibly, this is exactly the kind of issue the ACLU(seless) specializes in fighting against.

Why on Earth would we allow anarchists, communists, Islamists, etc., who have plans on destroying our country, to remain in our country?

1931 - An act of Congress designated 'The Star Spangled Banner' the national anthem of the United States.

This song was originally named the 'Defense of Fort McHenry,' and is a song all Americans should love...It is what we are, and what we should pray we will always be.

1952 - The U.S. Supreme Court upheld New York's Feinberg Law banning communist teachers in the U.S.

Unfortunately, by the 1960’s the communists overran the university system, and then the public school teacher's unions...The term communism has disappeared from their teachings, but their Leftist concepts are ever-present.

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Friday, March 01, 2019

March 2

1296 - Pope Boniface VIII proclaimed the 'Bull of Clericis Laicos.'

Boniface’s decree stated no layperson (including kings) had the right to demand taxation from the clergy without consent from the Pope...A powerful decree, but one destined to failure.

The Dark/Middle Ages were a time of papal supremacy, but the European kings of the 13th-16th Centuries challenged the power of the Church in their attempts to consolidate power within their kingdoms...The power-struggle was eventually won by the kings, who used the Reformation as a tool to crush Catholic domination in their lands. Which is why the Reformation is as much of a political movement as a religious one - as is the Catholic Church.

274 - Mani, prophet and founder of Manichaeism, died in a Persian prison.

Manichaeism was one of the great religions of the ancient world, and was a direct threat to Zoroastrianism (official religion of Persia) and Christianity.

Obviously, Manichaeism was defeated as a religion but has played a huge roll in Christianity, through the teachings of St. Augustine...Prior to accepting Christianity, Augustine was a Manichean and many of his teachings incorporated his previous religious beliefs, which have been passed down to this day.

1877 - Rutherford B. Hayes was declared the winner of the 1876 presidential election over Samuel J. Tilden, even though Tilden won the popular vote and was just one electoral vote shy of victory.

The 2000 Election wasn’t the first contested election, and it wasn’t even the most hotly contested...Had the Democrats not attempted to steal it, the 2000 Election wouldn’t have been a Constitutional issue at all. Especially when compared to America's previous election battles.

1897 - President Grover Cleveland vetoed legislation requiring a literacy test for immigrants.

I'd settle for an English test?  Especially considering the amount of Americans who are illiterate.

1917 - Congress passed the Jones Act, which made Puerto Rico a U.S. territory and its inhabitants U.S. citizens.

Puerto Rico should either become a state or be given complete independence...But the reality is they have the best of both worlds: Semi-independence, with American welfare.

1923 - Benito Mussolini admitted women should have a right to vote, but declared the time was not right.

Only a dictator could get away with spinning such illogical B.S.

1939 - The Massachusetts Legislature voted to ratify the Bill of Rights, 147-years after the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution went into effect.

I didn’t know this. How disgusting...But not unexpected from the Massachusetts Soviet Socialist Republic.

1962 - Wilt Chamberlain scored 100 points in an NBA game.

100 points in one game, and because it was before the modern era very few people saw it - or will ever see it, because there is no film of the game.

An amazing feat which will never be matched - no other player has ever scored more than 81 in a game (Kobe Bryant).  Even Michael Jordan never got in the 70's...Only four players have ever scored 60+ in a game:  Kobe did it 6 times, Jordan 5 times, and Elgin Baylor did it 4 times.  Wilt did it 32 times!

In fact, in the modern-day NBA some teams average scoring less than 100 points per game.

Wilt was truly a man-among-boys.  The most dominant player ever - even if he's not the greatest.

2004 - NASA scientists reported the Mars rover 'Opportunity' discovered evidence water was once present on the Martian surface.

Can you imagine the excitement there would be if LIFE was found on Mars...It would be amazing.

Surprisingly, LIFE IN THE WOMB isn’t nearly as cherished...Not in Liberalville, that is.

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