May 3
425 - Pope Gelasius asserted his spiritual power was superior to the temporal power of the Roman Emperor.
At the time, this declaration was looked at as a joke by most...History has told a different story, however, because it was the Pope (Leo) who kicked Attila the Hun out of Italy (who knows why Attila really left?), and the Church which soon ruled Europe - not the Emperor, which proved Gelasius' proclamation to be true.
Looking back it was inevitable, even though at the time it was inconceivable, the Roman Empire would fall in less than a hundred years...It was equally inconceivable, though much less inevitable, the Church would become the main power broker in Europe for the next thousand years.
1791 - The Constitution of May 3: A liberal bill of rights reforming gentry-ruled Poland-Lithuania, setting up a constitutional monarchy, was signed by King Stanislaw Augustus. It was only the second written constitution in the world - after the United States.
This sounds like a grand plan, but the reality was Poland-Lithuania were bit players in the Russo/German/Austrian playground, and within four years ceased to exist as a sovereign nation.
1944 - U.S. wartime rationing of most grades of meat ended.
Can you imagine if current-day Americans had to give up anything for a wartime effort? The ACLU and other Liberal Jackals would be howling like never before.
Well, maybe. It is equally likely they'd start pushing the EnvironMentalist insanity of pure vegetarianism...At which point some new whacko's would emerge demanding equality between plants and animals - forcing us to eat dirt.
At which point some new whacko's would...
1971 - National Public Radio began programming.
There are thousands of free radio stations across America, so why do we need a taxpayer funded radio station? And why is it such a Liberal joke?
NPR should be on the chopping block of every National Budget...People who want Liberal radio can dial up Air America. HAHAHAHA!
1979 - Margaret Thatcher and the Conservative Party won the British general election, making her the first woman prime minister of a major European nation.
The Iron Lady was a great leader, and paired with Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II as a major force behind the destruction of the USSR...She is one of the three most important women in the 20th Century.
1983 - After two years of debate, U.S. Roman Catholic bishops overwhelmingly approved a pastoral letter condemning the first use of nuclear weapons and virtually ruled out their use for retaliation.
Good for them...America is the most Christian nation on Earth, but is in no way bound to the edicts of any church.
This is not a 'separation of Church and State' issue...It is a separation of U.S. sovereignty and everything else issue.
When it comes to National Defense the rest of the world can 'sit & spin.'
1989 - PLO leader Yasser Arafat ended a two-day visit to France and stated the PLO charter calling for the destruction of Israel had been "superseded" by a declaration urging peaceful coexistence of the Jewish state and a Palestinian state.
It may seem like it, but Yasser wasn’t speaking out of both sides of his mouth on this matter...He was speaking out of his ass.
1992 - An international conference in Geneva ended 30-months of arduous negotiations over whether to ban land mines with a weak compromise treaty giving countries nine years to switch to detectable, self-destructive devices.
Another case of a nice idea in theory having absolutely no basis in reality.
As long as humans are on the planet they will be at war with one another, and no one will be able to stop them from finding newer, more effective means of killing each other...Also, how were these jackasses going to enforce such a marvelous idea?
"WITH SPITBALLS?" - Zell Miller
2000 - Executive Order #13,153 was issued by President Bill Clinton, authorizing the Education Department to reward low performing schools by sending them more money and other resources.
Why 'reward' poor performance? And how horrible for President Bush to insist on higher standards for schools to receive such 'rewards. Just horrible.
We are raising a generation of morons. A process begun by the 60's idiots, and there is no end in sight. In fact, it's only getting worse.
2001 - The United States, a member of the U.N. Human Rights Commission since its inception, was ousted from its seat. It was restored the following year.
The U.S. was out, but China and Cuba were in...Reason #3,721 the U.S. should 'oust' itself from the Circle Jerk Group completely and permanently.
At the time, this declaration was looked at as a joke by most...History has told a different story, however, because it was the Pope (Leo) who kicked Attila the Hun out of Italy (who knows why Attila really left?), and the Church which soon ruled Europe - not the Emperor, which proved Gelasius' proclamation to be true.
Looking back it was inevitable, even though at the time it was inconceivable, the Roman Empire would fall in less than a hundred years...It was equally inconceivable, though much less inevitable, the Church would become the main power broker in Europe for the next thousand years.
1791 - The Constitution of May 3: A liberal bill of rights reforming gentry-ruled Poland-Lithuania, setting up a constitutional monarchy, was signed by King Stanislaw Augustus. It was only the second written constitution in the world - after the United States.
This sounds like a grand plan, but the reality was Poland-Lithuania were bit players in the Russo/German/Austrian playground, and within four years ceased to exist as a sovereign nation.
1944 - U.S. wartime rationing of most grades of meat ended.
Can you imagine if current-day Americans had to give up anything for a wartime effort? The ACLU and other Liberal Jackals would be howling like never before.
Well, maybe. It is equally likely they'd start pushing the EnvironMentalist insanity of pure vegetarianism...At which point some new whacko's would emerge demanding equality between plants and animals - forcing us to eat dirt.
At which point some new whacko's would...
1971 - National Public Radio began programming.
There are thousands of free radio stations across America, so why do we need a taxpayer funded radio station? And why is it such a Liberal joke?
NPR should be on the chopping block of every National Budget...People who want Liberal radio can dial up Air America. HAHAHAHA!
1979 - Margaret Thatcher and the Conservative Party won the British general election, making her the first woman prime minister of a major European nation.
The Iron Lady was a great leader, and paired with Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II as a major force behind the destruction of the USSR...She is one of the three most important women in the 20th Century.
1983 - After two years of debate, U.S. Roman Catholic bishops overwhelmingly approved a pastoral letter condemning the first use of nuclear weapons and virtually ruled out their use for retaliation.
Good for them...America is the most Christian nation on Earth, but is in no way bound to the edicts of any church.
This is not a 'separation of Church and State' issue...It is a separation of U.S. sovereignty and everything else issue.
When it comes to National Defense the rest of the world can 'sit & spin.'
1989 - PLO leader Yasser Arafat ended a two-day visit to France and stated the PLO charter calling for the destruction of Israel had been "superseded" by a declaration urging peaceful coexistence of the Jewish state and a Palestinian state.
It may seem like it, but Yasser wasn’t speaking out of both sides of his mouth on this matter...He was speaking out of his ass.
1992 - An international conference in Geneva ended 30-months of arduous negotiations over whether to ban land mines with a weak compromise treaty giving countries nine years to switch to detectable, self-destructive devices.
Another case of a nice idea in theory having absolutely no basis in reality.
As long as humans are on the planet they will be at war with one another, and no one will be able to stop them from finding newer, more effective means of killing each other...Also, how were these jackasses going to enforce such a marvelous idea?
"WITH SPITBALLS?" - Zell Miller
2000 - Executive Order #13,153 was issued by President Bill Clinton, authorizing the Education Department to reward low performing schools by sending them more money and other resources.
Why 'reward' poor performance? And how horrible for President Bush to insist on higher standards for schools to receive such 'rewards. Just horrible.
We are raising a generation of morons. A process begun by the 60's idiots, and there is no end in sight. In fact, it's only getting worse.
2001 - The United States, a member of the U.N. Human Rights Commission since its inception, was ousted from its seat. It was restored the following year.
The U.S. was out, but China and Cuba were in...Reason #3,721 the U.S. should 'oust' itself from the Circle Jerk Group completely and permanently.
Labels: Christianity, Europe, Israel, Lithuania, Poland, Rome, UK, US, WWII
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