June 8 (A Double)
632 - Mohammad died.
As much as I hate to admit it, Mohammad must be given his due: Mohammad is tied with Christ for the title of 'Most Important Person in History.'
I'm sure Christians don't like reading this comparison, but real history is predicated on being honest and telling the truth...Sadly, if current trends continue, Mohammad will eventually pass Christ in importance because Islam is ever increasing in land and population while Christianity is faltering.
That's a problem for Christians, but an even bigger problem for the world.
793 - Norsemen sacked Lindisfarne.
This is a huge event, but sadly most Americans have never heard of it. Don’t blame yourself. It’s not your fault our education system pays no attention to 'real' history.
The Sack of Lindisfarne was the first major assault the Norsemen made on Europe, and marks the beginning of the Viking Age...Lindisfarne was easy pickings for the Vikings, because it was an unguarded island, inhabited mostly by monks from the local monastery.
"In nearly 350 years we and our forefathers have been living in this the best of countries and never before has such terror struck Britain as the one we now have to suffer from this heathen race. Nor was it thought to be possible that such an attack could be carried out from the sea. Look at St. Cuthbert's church sprinkled with the blood of the holy priests, deprived of its decorations, a room more venerable than any in Britain given as spoils to this Heathen race." - Alcuin (French historian)
65 - Jewish rebels captured the fortress of Antonia in Jerusalem, beginning the Jewish rebellion against Rome.
This can be looked at in the way listed, or as the beginning of the end of the Jewish nation...Within five years the Temple was destroyed, and the 1900-year Diaspora began.
452 - Attila the Hun invaded northern Italy.
After years of slapping around the eastern portion of the Empire, and then a little setback in Gaul, the 'Scourge of God' decided to bring Hell to Italy...Amazingly, he never went after Rome Proper.
Was it the city walls, or was it the power of the Pope? No one will ever know for sure, but the long term importance of Attila is he turned tail after meeting the Pope, which began the ascension of a new power: The power of the Papacy.
1965 - U.S. troops were ordered to fight offensively in Vietnam.
What a disgusting order...U.S. troops should always be allowed to 'fight offensively.' Even when fighting defensively!
The U.S. Military knows its job, and does it better than any other on the planet, but when it is handcuffed by its political minders it is no more powerful than the simplest rock-thrower...A sad fact we witness often.
1967 - The USS Liberty was attacked for over two hours in international waters by the air and naval forces of Israel, using rockets, torpedoes, and napalm. 34 crew members died and 171 were wounded.
I am a friend of Israel, but it would be nice to find out the truth behind this incident. The BS we’ve been given for the past 50-years is unacceptable...The U.S. has been Israel’s lone, constant friend, and even if the truth is extremely disheartening we deserve to know why this happened.
1989 - Chinese Premier Li Peng appeared on TV praising a group of army soldiers, apparently for their role in crushing the student-led pro-democracy movement.
Of course he did...Peng was a descendant of Mao, and Mao would have awarded the military great honors for such a deed.
As much as I hate to admit it, Mohammad must be given his due: Mohammad is tied with Christ for the title of 'Most Important Person in History.'
I'm sure Christians don't like reading this comparison, but real history is predicated on being honest and telling the truth...Sadly, if current trends continue, Mohammad will eventually pass Christ in importance because Islam is ever increasing in land and population while Christianity is faltering.
That's a problem for Christians, but an even bigger problem for the world.
793 - Norsemen sacked Lindisfarne.
This is a huge event, but sadly most Americans have never heard of it. Don’t blame yourself. It’s not your fault our education system pays no attention to 'real' history.
The Sack of Lindisfarne was the first major assault the Norsemen made on Europe, and marks the beginning of the Viking Age...Lindisfarne was easy pickings for the Vikings, because it was an unguarded island, inhabited mostly by monks from the local monastery.
"In nearly 350 years we and our forefathers have been living in this the best of countries and never before has such terror struck Britain as the one we now have to suffer from this heathen race. Nor was it thought to be possible that such an attack could be carried out from the sea. Look at St. Cuthbert's church sprinkled with the blood of the holy priests, deprived of its decorations, a room more venerable than any in Britain given as spoils to this Heathen race." - Alcuin (French historian)
65 - Jewish rebels captured the fortress of Antonia in Jerusalem, beginning the Jewish rebellion against Rome.
This can be looked at in the way listed, or as the beginning of the end of the Jewish nation...Within five years the Temple was destroyed, and the 1900-year Diaspora began.
452 - Attila the Hun invaded northern Italy.
After years of slapping around the eastern portion of the Empire, and then a little setback in Gaul, the 'Scourge of God' decided to bring Hell to Italy...Amazingly, he never went after Rome Proper.
Was it the city walls, or was it the power of the Pope? No one will ever know for sure, but the long term importance of Attila is he turned tail after meeting the Pope, which began the ascension of a new power: The power of the Papacy.
1965 - U.S. troops were ordered to fight offensively in Vietnam.
What a disgusting order...U.S. troops should always be allowed to 'fight offensively.' Even when fighting defensively!
The U.S. Military knows its job, and does it better than any other on the planet, but when it is handcuffed by its political minders it is no more powerful than the simplest rock-thrower...A sad fact we witness often.
1967 - The USS Liberty was attacked for over two hours in international waters by the air and naval forces of Israel, using rockets, torpedoes, and napalm. 34 crew members died and 171 were wounded.
I am a friend of Israel, but it would be nice to find out the truth behind this incident. The BS we’ve been given for the past 50-years is unacceptable...The U.S. has been Israel’s lone, constant friend, and even if the truth is extremely disheartening we deserve to know why this happened.
1989 - Chinese Premier Li Peng appeared on TV praising a group of army soldiers, apparently for their role in crushing the student-led pro-democracy movement.
Of course he did...Peng was a descendant of Mao, and Mao would have awarded the military great honors for such a deed.
Labels: Attila, China, Europe, Islam, Israel, Mohammad, Normans, Rome, UK, Vietnam, Vietnam War
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