Monday, August 13, 2018

August 14

1281 - The 'Divine Wind' sunk an invading Mongol fleet off of Japan.

The 'Divine Wind' was a typhoon, which saved Japan from a likely Mongol onslaught, because there was little doubt if the Mongols reached land they would have conquered Japan...And every enemy who bothered to fight the Mongols paid dearly for not just giving up.

The invasion force consisted of 281 ships and 150,000 men, and after 50+ days of fighting they were getting the upper hand on the Japanese before the typhoon hit...Only a miracle could save Japan.

It is interesting to know, the Japanese do not call the WWII suicide-bombers by the name of Kamikaze's = 'Divine Wind'...The relationship is a loose English translation.

410 - Visigoth King Alaric sacked Rome.

Rome was on it's last leg, and accelerated the problems with the Goths (and all the other Barbarians) by allowing them in their ranks.

This 'sacking' can be directly related to this matter, because Alaric was trained by Roman General Stilicho - a Goth.

Ironically, it was Stilicho who was sent out to put down the Gothic force...After thinking it through, however, the Romans decided to recall Stilicho, and had him executed. Thereby killing their best leader, and the man who knew Alaric best.

Such was the Western portion of the Empire in the 400's...A shell of its former self, and barely clinging to its very existence.

1848 - The Oregon Territory was established.

The northern border of the U.S. was finally delineated, and a major source of contention between the U.S. and Britain was put to rest.

1900 - International forces entered Beijing to put down the Boxer Rebellion, which was aimed at purging China of foreigners.

I can't say I blame China for wanting to overthrow these foreigners, but China had no chance of success...Just about every world power was in the fight against it - powers with modern technology on their side.

Unfortunately, the only one who ultimately profited from this battle was Japan, who used this event as one more step towards its domination of the Far East.

Even worse, the Chinese haven't forgotten the way it was treated by the West during this time, and it has a long memory...There's little doubt they will be looking for a little payback as soon as they can.

1935 - The U.S. Congress passed the Social Security Act and President Franklin Roosevelt immediately signed it into law.

Social Security was created as a means to provide 'Aid to Dependent Children' (now Aid to Families with Dependent Children [AFDC]), unemployment insurance, and pension plans for the elderly."

A nice idea, and one which has become the National Noose around the neck of every living - and unborn - American.

1945 - Japanese Imperial Guards attempted a coup, which was put down:  WWII.

Even after 2+ years of continuous ass kickings, including two atomic bombs, many Japanese leaders didn't want to surrender...Thankfully these nuts were crushed.

1945 – President Truman announced Japan accepted terms for unconditional surrender, setting the stage for the end of WWII.

August 15th is considered VJ Day, but it was still the 14th in North America at the time of the Japanese surrender...It was August 15th in Japan.

1973 - The U.S. bombing of Cambodia came to a halt, marking the official end to 12-years of American combat in Southeast Asia:  Vietnam War.

I can't do this one...Hopefully we learned from our mistakes and never again fight a war without the objective of winning.

Sadly, the same Liberal scum who forced us to lose in Vietnam made a goal of 'stealing defeat from the jaws of victory' in Iraq, and due to sheer incompetence by Obama have gotten a double in Afghanistan. Make that a triple in Syria.  Make that a quadruple in Libya, make that...Ugh!!!!

1997 - Convicted Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh was sentenced to death for his part in the 1995 explosion which killed 168 people.

On June 11, 2001, this SOB was executed. Good riddance to murderous scum.

2000 - On the opening night of the Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles, President Bill Clinton offered an embarrassing triumphant review of his years in office, and exhorted delegates to propel Al Gore on the road to succeed him.

Gotta love Bubba turning Al's party into a Bill Clinton love fest...Imagine what he would have done if Hillary had won in 2016.  For that matter, imagine the 'Ode to Obama' Obama will give himself as well.

2003 - The largest blackout in North American history hit the northeast.

Picture of the Cause of the Blackout...Warning: Rated R.

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