Saturday, October 13, 2018

October 14

1066 – The Battle of Hastings.

In one of the most important battles in history, William, Duke of Normandy led his invading army to victory over England's King Harold.

Prior to William's conquest, England was a loosely-held-together country faced with constant invasion and warfare...Amazingly, this invasion was the last successful invasion of England

Although it wasn't apparent at the time, the Norman conquest was a blessing for England, and it wasn't long until she was on par with the great powers of Continental Europe - later surpassing them, as one of the grandest empires in world history.

1322 - Robert the Bruce, King of Scotland, defeated King Edward II of England at Byland, forcing Edward to accept Scottish independence.

I’ll take any chance to push my proud progeny from the ‘Clan Bruce.’

1806 – The Battles of Jena and Auerstedt.

These were independent battles, fought between the forces of Napoleon and Frederick William III, of Prussia.

Jena was one of Napoleon's finest battles, but nowhere near as impressive as the French victory at Auerstedt...But Napoleon wrote the history of the battles, and made sure to play up his role.

The battles are earmarked together, because they were fought in close proximity, by the divided forces of Napoleon and Frederick's main armies.

Napoleon personally led the French at Jena and crushed the Prussians...At Auerstedt, Napoleons generals did likewise, to the Emperor's surprise, because the main Prussian force was at Auerstedt.

1832 - The Chickasaw Indians ceded their lands east of the Mississippi River to the United States. This cession avoided a pitched war between the two cultures, which the Chickasaw didn't have the manpower, technology, nor the military skill to win.

In the minds of the Chickasaw the whole world was their territory, and their whole world came to an end...Lucky for them, they gave up without a fight, or their belief would have become reality.

1933 - Nazi Germany announced it was withdrawing from the League of Nations and would take no further part in the Geneva Disarmament Conference.

This is one of the many promises Hitler kept.

He kept most of those he made before 1933, and broke most of the ones he made after...I hope you understand this reference. If not, you need to come by this blog much more often.

1944 - German Field Marshal Rommel, suspected of complicity in the July 20th plot against Hitler, was visited at home by two of Hitler's staff and given the choice of public trial or suicide by poison. He chose suicide and it was announced that he died of wounds:  WWII.

Rommel wasn't a major player in the plot, but he did have knowledge of it...And welcomed it.

Hitler knew it would be a propaganda nightmare to kill Rommel, so he gave him an offer:

1. Kill himself, and die with full military honors.

2. Be killed, along with his whole family, as a traitor of the German Reich.

He made the honorable choice.

1964 - Civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. was named winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.

The Nobel crowd has given many bizarre Prizes, but this one was very well earned and deserved.

1992 - Russia's worst serial killer, Andrei Chikatilo, was convicted of mutilating and killing 52 women and children. He was executed in 1994.

Andrei killed 52 Russian and was rightfully executed...Stalin killed millions of Russians and had statues built and songs sung in his honor.

Such is human history.

1994 - The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to PLO leader Yasser Arafat, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres.

The 'Hitler in a Head-Dress' was given a Peace Prize??? (See the first part of the 1964 comment.)

By this logic, the Nobel Clowns should have given Stalin a prize for keeping peace in the Ukraine.

Or give Obama one for doing nothing...Or give John Kerry one for working out a deal to give the Iranians a nuke.

1999 - President Bill Clinton accused Senate Republicans of recklessness and irresponsibility for defeating the nuclear test ban treaty, and pledged the United States would refrain from testing despite the treaty's rejection.

Hey Bill, if we don’t stay ahead of the ‘weapon’s curve,’ we will fall behind it..And pay dearly for such stupidity.

Reason #46,209 why we can't trust Democrats to protect our country.

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