Saturday, October 06, 2018

October 7 (A Double)

1571 – The Battle of Lepanto: The Ottomans were defeated by the Holy League.

The Holy League was a  loosely allied force of the Papacy (Pope Pius V), Spain, Venice, Genoa, Savoy, Naples, and the Knights of Malta.  The Ottoman Turks were the dominant force in the Islamic world and the Mediterranean sea basin...As such this was the greatest naval battle in history between Christian and Muslim forces.

Lepanto is one of the most significant naval battles in history, one of the final naval clashes between ‘galleys,’ and the last gasp of the Ottoman Empire as a legitimate threat to Western Europe...It took centuries, but from this point forward the Christian world began rolling back the forces of Islam, reclaiming Europe, and even conquering much of the Islamic world.

1949 - The Republic of East Germany was formed.

The Soviets drew the demarcation line between ‘democracy’ and ‘communism’ at Berlin, and East Germany was its great wall to keep the West out...Even more important, it was the wall which kept the people of Eastern Europe 'in' - in slavery.

On many levels the Soviets can’t be blamed for doing so, after being invaded by Germany twice in the previous 50-years and losing 20-30 million people as a result of these invasions...And let's not forget that Napoleon also devastated Russia in the 1800's, as well.

Also, it was a division the Germans brought on themselves, and one the West was unable to undo for 50 years…It took the virtual collapse of the Soviet Empire for Germany to be reunited, but to this day the division is felt and the country still isn't fully repaired.

1492 - Christopher Columbus missed Florida after changing course due to a false cry of "land ho."

This is a ‘mislanding’ of great consequence...Had Columbus landed in North America the greatness of the Spanish Empire would have taken over the northern part of the Western Hemisphere, and who knows if the Brits would have been able to root them out.

As a result the New World would have a different look and who knows how history would be different...Needless to say there would not be a United States of America, because part of this country's greatness is in its territory and the English systems which were built on the territory.

1765 - Delegates from nine of the American colonies met in New York to discuss the Stamp Act Crisis and colonial response to it. This 'Stamp Act Congress' went on to draft resolutions (Declaration of Rights) condemning the Stamp and Sugar Acts, trial without jury, and taxation without representation as contrary to their rights as Englishmen.

The Colonists were getting sick of their meddling sovereign, and the Brits were getting sick of their undisciplined, ‘disloyal’ colonists...As such, the stage was being set for war, and a change in the world order.

1993 - President Clinton ordered more troops, heavy armor and naval firepower to Somalia, but also announced he would pull out all Americans by the end of March 1994.

1. He sent more 'power' but didn’t allow the troops on the ground to use this power.

2. Setting a date for 'pulling out' is stupid, because it gives the enemy a date to shoot for, and avoid battle until the date is up...But this is the Democrat modus operandi, as was seen in their demands for a 'pull out' date in Iraq and Afghanistan - with even worse results.

1994 - President Clinton ordered Army troops on alert and dispatched an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf after Iraqi troops were spotted moving south toward Kuwait.

Saddam played Clinton like a yo-yo, jerking him up and down as he pleased - not in a Monica-way, either...It was sickening how he allowed Hussein to act with impunity, but Clinton had no clue what it meant to be Commander-in-Chief. A fact America continues to pay dearly for.

2001 - Operation Enduring Freedom began. The United States launched its attack in Afghanistan to crush the Taliban and al Qaeda members responsible for the September 11, 2001 attacks.

I love the Democrat and European lie that they were in favor of attacking Afghanistan, but not Iraq…Truth is, they didn’t approve of attacking Afghanistan until deciding to use it as a political tool against attacking Iraq.

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