Wednesday, October 03, 2018

October 4

1957 - The Space Age began when the Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the first man-made satellite, into orbit. The satellite, built by Valentin Glushko, weighed 184 pounds and was launched by a converted intercontinental ballistic missile. Sputnik orbited the earth every 96 minutes at a maximum height of 584 miles. In 1958, it reentered the earth's atmosphere and burned up.

The Ruskies beat us into space, and many American’s went into immediate meltdown.

The biggest result of this event was the foundation of NASA, and the rapid increase in rocket technology by the U.S. - thanks in large part to former Nazi scientists.

Little did we know the Russians were able to launch a small ball in space, but once the U.S. caught and passed the Soviets they never approached the U.S. in space technology.

Well, not until Obama gave up that advantage by mothballing the Shuttle program...And now we are dependent on the Russian space program to get Americans into space.  A true disgrace.

1777 - The Battle of Germantown: American forces were defeated by the British, ending George Washington's last attempt to retake Philadelphia:  American Revolutionary War.

The Brits invested the key city of Philadelphia, and Washington was sent packing for the winter...It was a brutal one, at Valley Forge.

1976 - Gregg v. Georgia: The U.S. Supreme Court lifted the ban on the death sentence in murder cases, restoring the legality of capital punishment, which had not been practiced since 1967. The first execution following this ruling was Gary Gilmore in 1977.

"If you don’t give justice to criminals, you will give crime to the just." - Dennis Prager

And we should add a few crimes to the capital punishment list: Specifically sex crimes against children...I'm sure the ACLU would find this 'offensive' though.

1993 - Dozens of cheering, dancing Somalis dragged the body of an American soldier through the streets of Mogadishu.

Good thing our troops were sent out without proper weapons, personnel carriers, and protection...In other words, President Clinton sent them out to die - intentionally or not.

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