Tuesday, December 11, 2018

December 12

2000 - The U.S. Supreme Court delivered a blow to the Al Gore campaign by reversing the Florida Supreme Court's decision to recount presidential votes and remanded the case back to that court.

This is the day the Al Gore 'Presidential Heist Attempt' ended.

Just to show what a POS he really was, if Al had won his own state (Tennessee) he’d have won the presidency...Luckily those who knew him best, knew he shouldn't be president.

1799 - Two days before his death, George Washington composed his last letter, to Alexander Hamilton, his aide-de-camp during the Revolution and later his Secretary of the Treasury. In the letter he urged Hamilton to work for the establishment of a national military academy. Washington wrote that letter at the end of a long, cold day of snow, sleet and rain that he had spent out-of-doors. He remained outside for more than five hours, according to his secretary Tobias Lear, and did not change out of his wet clothes or dry his hair when he returned home.

This isn’t a great historic event, but stories of the 'Indispensable Man' should be read by all.  They always have a special place in the heart of this historian.

1800 - Washington D.C. was established as the capital of the United States.

A great place to visit, but...Just go visit it.

1930 - The last Allied troops left the Saar, Germany.

Within three years Hitler was Fuhrer, and the Ruhr and Saar were re-militarized by Germany...And then the rest of the lovely story followed.

1946 - A United Nations committee voted to accept a six-block tract of Manhattan real estate offered as a gift by John D. Rockefeller Jr. to be the site of U.N. headquarters.

Such a magnanimous fool...Thanks a lot Jr.

1988 - PLO leader Yasir Arafat accepted Israel's 'right to exist.'

Sure he did!

All I know is I ‘accept Yasir’s right to be dead’...I hope he's enjoying his 72 virgins. IN HELL!

1995 - By only three votes, the U.S. Senate killed a constitutional amendment giving Congress authority to outlaw flag burning and other forms of desecration against Old Glory.

For those keeping score at home:  Today in America, it is ok to pull down your pants and take a crap on the U.S. flag...But your kids can’t celebrate a Christmas party at school.

We are getting closer to the Lunatic Fringe every day.

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