Friday, December 07, 2018

December 8 (A Double)

1941 - The day after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the U.S. Congress granted President Roosevelt a declaration of war against Japan:  WWII.

Historians often speak of Stalingrad, Midway or El Alamein as the ‘turning-points in WWII,’ but the real turning-point was the day the U.S. entered the war...From this day on, the Germans and Japanese ceased to control their own destiny, which is why it's a shame we waited so long.

1991 - Russia, Byelorussia and Ukraine declared the Soviet national government dead, forging a new alliance to be known as the Commonwealth of Independent States. Boris Yeltsin, Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk, and Belarus President Stanislav Shuskevich met in a hunting lodge to proclaim the Soviet Union null and void and to form a loose Commonwealth of Independent States.

WOW!!!! The fall of the USSR...The CIS wasn’t perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but it was infinitely better than the Soviet Hell State.

1854 - Pope Pius IX defined the dogma of the 'Immaculate Conception' in his apostolic letter, 'Ineffabilis Deus.' It asserted that by a singular privilege and grace granted by God, Mary was freed from original sin "in the first instant of conception."


1907 - Christmas Seals were sold for the first time to raise funds to fight tuberculosis. Today, Christmas Seal donations are primarily used in the fight against birth defects.

I can already see the ACLU(seless) claiming this organization has no right raising money to help children in the name of Christmas...Sick bastards.

1932 - Japan told the League of Nations it had no control over its designs in China.

And they were absolutely correct...Much as the United Nations has no control over current international politics, or itself.

1941 - Japanese troops occupied Shanghai, landed on Guam and in Malaya, invaded Siam, attacked Hong Kong, and Japanese destroyers attacked Wake Island:  WWII.

A big day for the ‘Empire of the Sun’...I hope they enjoyed it while it lasted.

1948 - Jordan annexed Arabic Palestine; the old city of East Jerusalem came under Jordanian control until 1968. Transjordan was given to a client Arab family, the Hashemites (led by King Hussein’s grandfather), and was run out of Mecca by the Saudis.

So, the next time you hear anyone speak of the Palestinians as a ‘people without a homeland,’ tell them they are absolutely correct. And the Palestinians have their Arab brothers to blame for it.

Israel shouldn't give up any land for the creation of a Palestinian state. Jordan (or Saudi Arabia, or Egypt, or...) should simply allow the Palestinians to enter their country or give up some of their land for the creation of an independent Palestinian state...Of course that won't happen, and they'll just keep blaming Israel.

1987 - The 'Intifada' (Arabic for uprising) by Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied territories began.

And it hasn’t ended...In fact it has spread, and will continue to get worse.

At this point in history this is no where near as important as the other two events (1941 and 1991), but it's my opinion this will eventually lead to the same significance, because of its influence on the rest of the Muslim world. Particularly the Global Jihadist fools...I hope I am wrong.

1987 - President Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev signed the INF Treaty, which provided for the dismantling of all U.S. and Soviet missiles with ranges of 300 to 3400 miles.

I’m sure neither party upheld their end in this deal...And they shouldn’t have.

1993 - President Clinton signed the North American Free Trade Agreement, which went into effect at the start of 1994.

As much as I can’t stand Congressional Democrats, I wish they had won on this issue...The Republicans made a huge mistake in opening the borders to the 'Goths on Wheels,' and we will be paying for it for years to come.

The significance of this event is much like the 'Intifada,' because of the terrible long-term effects which will develop out of it in the future...Once again, I hope I am wrong.

1997 - At the U.N. conference on Global Warming in Kyoto, Japan, U.S. Vice President Al Gore signaled a willingness on the part of the U.S. to compromise and perhaps raise the amount of greenhouse gases it is willing to cut.

During the Clinton administration, the U.S. Senate (controlled by Democrats) refused to support the Kyoto Protocols, and President Bush absolutely refused to take part in such madness...Thankfully, our current president isn't likely to get involved with such madness, either.

2001 - John Walker Lindh, a Taliban soldier from Marin County, Ca., was held at Camp Rhino near Kandahar as a battlefield detainee. He was captured a week earlier following the prison revolt at Mazar-e-Sharif.

The scary part is he's only one of many...The 'Enemy Within' (M.S.) are everywhere, in and outside the U.S., waiting for their marching orders.

As with every lasting country in history, there will be another civil war in the U.S. eventually, and when this day comes these scumbags will have their day of reckoning.

2002 - Iraq's massive dossier detailing its chemical, biological and nuclear programs arrived in New York; the U.N. Security Council agreed to give full copies to the United States and the four other permanent council members (Britain, France, Russia and China).

So Iraq really did have a WMD program? I would swear the stiffs on TV said they didn’t.

2003 - Russian military documents confirmed that dozens of rockets outfitted with dirty bombs appeared to be missing from the military airport at Tiraspol, capital of Trans-Dniester.

Hmmmm. I wonder which radical group is holding onto these babies? We will surely find out sooner or later...Hopefully our troops in the field can capture them instead of finding then when used against the people of N.Y. City or L.A.

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