Saturday, December 01, 2018

December 2 (Another Huge Day)

A day with many events which would be the greatest on most days...The greatest event on this day is the 'atomic breakthrough,' but the rest deserve to be highlighted in blue as well.
1804 - Napoleon Bonaparte was crowned Emperor of France by Pope Pius VII.

What a megalomaniac...In 1802 he was named Consul for Life, but he needed an even grander title.

It is interesting Napoleon got the Pope involved, in what must have been an attempt to come off as a modern-day Charlemagne the Great.

1805 – The Battle of Austerlitz: Napoleon defeated a Russian and Austrian force.

This is considered by many to be Napoleon’s greatest battle, and one which clearly set him up as the unchallenged master of continental Europe...The Emperor set a trap for the Ruskies and Austrians, and they fell right in, losing over 25,000 troops, compared to less than 8,000 for the French.

1823 - The Monroe Doctrine: U.S. President James Monroe, replying to the 1816 pronouncements of the Holy Alliance, proclaimed the principles known as the Monroe Doctrine, opposing European expansion in the Western Hemisphere.

"...that the American continents, by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintained, are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by European powers."

The declaration also stated the U.S. would recognize President Washington’s plea for the country to stay out of European squabbles...As a result, this is the defining document for American international diplomacy in the country’s first 100-years.

As far as the isolationist elements of the doctrine, Teddy Roosevelt put a crack in it, WWI smashed it, and WWII forever ended it.

1929 – The first skull of Peking Man was found 50 km outside of Peking at Tsjoe Koe Tien.

I may be in the minority, but I have no problem believing in the dual nature of Creation and Evolution...Peking Man was part of this process.

1941 - Germany began it's final attack on Moscow:  WWII.

The Krauts were within 20 miles of the Russian capital, and never got closer, because the greatest of all Ruskie soldiers (General Winter) finally showed up - crushing the Germans with temperatures as low as -40 degrees...The end result of not being able to finish off the Soviets during the Fall was the destruction of the German army and nation.

Like Napoleon, Hitler started his offensive too late in the year...Like Napoleon, Hitler was never able to recover from the enormous losses he sustained at the hands of the Russians and it's brutal Winter.

1941 - Japanese Admiral Yamamoto sent his fleet to Pearl Harbor:  WWII.

1941 - First Air Fleet at 43 N, 158 30' E, c. 3,200 miles NW of Pearl Harbor:  WWII.

1941 - Hawaii Recon aircraft ordered to search 400 miles, NW to S only:  WWII.

1941 - Roosevelt asked Japan to clarify its intents with regard to French Indochina:  WWII.

I don’t see how it is even debatable that FDR knew the Japanese were coming...If nothing else British communication documents state the Brits told FDR, and actions such as those above show he had more than a hunch they were coming.

What's especially interesting is the 'recon' order which sent the pilots ONLY to the areas where the Japanese weren't...Hmmmmm.

1942 - The 'Atomic Age' was born when scientists demonstrated the first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction at a laboratory below the stands at the University of Chicago football stadium:  WWII.

This is huge. Right up there with any development in the history of mankind...Nuclear technology has been the most important development since this day, be it in the realm of the military or its many civilian applications, and many more possibilities will emerge over time - for good and bad.

1944 - General George S. Patton's troops entered the Saar Valley and broke through the Siegfried Line:  WWII.

Generals Marshall and Eisenhower had the right man in charge to make the 'breakthrough,' and Patton pushed the 3rd Army farther than anyone could have imagined...Who knows what he could have accomplished if his supply lines were as quick and efficient as his battle lines.

Could he have saved Berlin from its eventual Soviet occupation???? It's a sad question, which can never be answered with certainty...But here's betting U.S. forces could have reached Berlin first had they not been hamstrung by politicians.

1954 - The U.S. Senate voted to condemn Senator Joseph R. McCarthy for "conduct that tends to bring the Senate into dishonor and disrepute."

McCarthy made a huge mistake taking on the military, but many of his claims about the U.S. government and Hollywood being infiltrated by communists were true.

It took almost 40-years, but the fall of the USSR unearthed what is known as the Venona Papers, and much of McCarthy’s accusations have proven to be based on truth.

1956 - Fidel Castro and his followers landed in Cuba, and after an initial setback began a campaign of guerrilla war aiming to overthrow General Fulgencio Batista's government.

1961 - Cuban leader Fidel Castro declared himself a Marxist-Leninist who would lead Cuba to communism.

It's absolutely shameful the U.S. allowed a communist nation to evolve right in front of its eyes, across the pond in a neighboring county.

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