Saturday, December 15, 2018

December 16 (A Quadruple)

1653 - Oliver Cromwell became Lord Protector of England, Scotland and Ireland.

After emerging victorious in the English Civil War, Cromwell took control of the British nation as Dictator...He was an excellent military commander and banned the monarchy, but an average civil administrator as Lord Protector and left a weak successor, who was quickly replaced by King Charles II.

An interesting note on Cromwell: Charles II hated him so much he had Cromwell’s dead body dug up in 1661 and gave him a 'posthumous execution,' then a public hanging and finally had him drawn and quartered.

1689 - The English Parliament adopted a Bill of Rights after the Glorious Revolution.

Don't mistake this Bill of Rights with the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

This bill of rights gave some minor rights to the English people, but was primarily a political document acknowledging the succession of William and Mary as King and Queen, and then deciding the line of succession. It also stated the English monarchy could never be placed in the hands of a Roman Catholic.

The most important part of the Bill, however, was a huge one - giving Parliament political supremacy over the monarch.

1773 - The Boston Tea Party: Around 50 American colonists boarded a British ship and dumped 342 chests of tea overboard into Boston harbor to protest tea taxes.

The 'Sons of Liberty,' led by Samuel Adams, dressed as Mohawk Indians, fired one of the first shots of the soon-to-come American Revolution with this act of defiance.

The question I have is:  What happened to the Bostonians? They went from being the original anti-tax, small-government Americans, to becoming the degenerate, pseudo-communist, People’s Republic of Massachusetts...A sad ending for the home of our first Patriots.

1944 - The Battle of the Bulge began: WWII.  German forces broke through the allied lines in the rugged Ardennes region, taking U.S. troops by surprise.

This was the last gasp of Hitler and the German Army in WWII, and it started with a bang...It ended with a whimper, as Patton rolled up the German offensive.

The saddest part of the battle is it slowed the Western Allies down just long enough to allow the Ruskies to take Berlin - Hitler's last abuse of the German people...Maybe they deserved it, however, for putting such a madman in place.

1950 - In the wake of the massive Chinese intervention in the Korean War, President Harry S. Truman declared a state of emergency, proclaiming "Communist imperialism" threatened the world's people. Truman called upon the American people to help construct an "arsenal of freedom."

Truman would have done well to think of this problem from the beginning of the Korean War...If he wanted to stop the spread of Communism he had the ability to do so, instead he took the French way out, refusing to fight an offensive war, and our troops suffered as a result.

Unfortunately, he passed this characteristic on to every succeeding American president.

1969 - The British House of Commons approved the permanent abolition of the death penalty.

How can they be against aborting the lives of hard-core criminals, but for executing innocent unborn children?

1998 - President Clinton ordered a sustained series of missile strikes against Iraq forces in response to Saddam Hussein's continued defiance of U.N. weapons inspectors.

The Democrats loved it when Clinton tossed bombs at Hussein, which had little if any effect...And the Republicans stood by his decision to do so as well.

Amazingly, the Democrats couldn’t stand behind Bush when he decided to do what Clinton didn’t have the stomach for, but had to be done - removing Saddam from the world.

1991 - The U.N. General Assembly rescinded its 1975 resolution equating Zionism with racism by a vote of 111-to-25.

I’d imagine if this vote was retaken today, it would be much closer to the one in 1975 than in 1991.

1997 - A Pentagon-appointed panel concluded the Army, Navy and Air Force should segregate male and female recruits in their earliest phases of basic training.

Women do not belong in the military, and this is just one of the many reasons...That said, if women are going to be in the military they should not be segregated in basic training or anywhere else.

The military is an extremely complex unit which can’t function at its optimum unless it is completely integrated, and there should be no segregation based on sex, race, etc...Every troop (man or woman) must be 100% combat effective and completely integrated into the military system, or they shouldn’t be there.

National Defense should always supersede 'Social Engineering'...Unfortunately, Liberals in this country feel the opposite is true, and most Conservatives are afraid of being called sexists and refuse to take them on.

2006 - Iran's president said his country was ready to transfer nuclear technology to neighboring countries.

Amazingly, too many in the West assume Ahmadinejad was barking at the moon...You'd think the lessons of the 20th century would have wizened them up, but I guess not.

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